
  • Nouveaux Tableaux de famille ou, la Vie d’un pauvre ministre de village allemand, et de ses enfans. Traduit de l’allemand... par Isabelle de Montolieu. by LAFONTAINE, August [Heinrich Julius]. LAFONTAINE, August [Heinrich Julius]. ~ Nouveaux Tableaux de famille ou, la Vie d’un pauvre ministre de village allemand, et de ses enfans. Traduit de l’allemand... par Isabelle de Montolieu. Geneva: J.J. Paschoud [se trouve à Paris, Fuchs, Maradan, Lenormant, Pougens], 1802.
    First edition in French of Lafontaine’s popular novel Leben eines armen Landpredigers (Berlin, 1800-1), the translation by novelist Isabelle de Montolieu. OCLC: UCLA, Princeton and… (more)

    First edition in French of Lafontaine’s popular novel Leben eines armen Landpredigers (Berlin, 1800-1), the translation by novelist Isabelle de Montolieu. OCLC: UCLA, Princeton and Penn State only outside continental Europe.

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  • L’Art de modeler en papier ou en carton ou d’imiter et d’executer en petit toutes sortes d’objets susceptibles d’étre coloriés ou reconverts de papier, d’écorce, de mousse etc. Amusement instructif à l’usage de la jeunesse des deux sexes, avec quatre grandes planches renferment plus de 180 figures et dessins lithographiés. Ouvrage traduit de l’allemand, avec plusieurs additions et changemens, par le rédacteur du Porte-Feuille géographique et ethnographique. by [BLASCHE, Bernard Heinrich]. [BLASCHE, Bernard Heinrich]. ~ L’Art de modeler en papier ou en carton ou d’imiter et d’executer en petit toutes sortes d’objets susceptibles d’étre coloriés ou reconverts de papier, d’écorce, de mousse etc. Amusement instructif à l’usage de la jeunesse des deux sexes, avec quatre grandes planches renferment plus de 180 figures et dessins lithographiés. Ouvrage traduit de l’allemand, avec plusieurs additions et changemens, par le rédacteur du Porte-Feuille géographique et ethnographique. Mulhouse: Jean Risler et Compagnie, 1818.
    First edition in French of Blasche’s Der Papparbeiter, oder, Anleitung in Pappe zu arbeite (1811). The 8 large folding plates depict a large array of… (more)

    First edition in French of Blasche’s Der Papparbeiter, oder, Anleitung in Pappe zu arbeite (1811). The 8 large folding plates depict a large array of miniature folded paper pieces: geometrical shapes, furniture and buildings. One of them is devoted to garden furniture in the oriental style, including a Chinese bridge.

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  • A plaine and familiar exposition of the ninth and tenth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon. by [DOD, John and Robert CLEAVER]. [DOD, John and Robert CLEAVER]. ~ A plaine and familiar exposition of the ninth and tenth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon. London: Felix Kyngston, for Thomas Man, 1612.
    [bound with:] — A plaine and familiar exposition of the eleuenth and twelfth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon. London: William Hall, for Thomas Man,… (more)

    [bound with:] — A plaine and familiar exposition of the eleuenth and twelfth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon. London: William Hall, for Thomas Man, 1612, pp. [viii], 191, [1], complete with first leaf, blank except for signature ‘A’ at foot, third edition, STC 6959;

    [and:] — A plaine and familiar exposition of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon. London: R. B[radock]. for Roger Jackson..., 1609, pp.[iv], 1-45, 53, 52-54, 49, 48-49, 48, 55, 153, [3], complete with final blank, second edition, STC 6960;

    [and:] — A plaine and familiar exposition of the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seuenteenth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon. London: by Felix Kingston for Thomas Man, 1611, pp.[viii], 157, [3], complete with final blank, second edition, STC 6964;

    [and:] DOD, John and Ronert CLEAVER. A plaine and familiar exposition: of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon... London: [William Stansby and Thomas Creede] for Roger Jackson, 1611, pp.[xii], 170, [2], complete with initial and final blanks; second edition, STC 6966.

    Five works bound together, 4to (190 × 138 mm), woodcut ornaments and initials. Some light browning throughout, two small wormholes affecting upper line in final two works, becoming a track towards the end. Contemporary limp vellum, spine lettered in manuscript ‘Dod on Ye Proverbs’, soiled, upper hinge broken. Early inscription ’Mrs Joane Saunders’ to head of first dedication, later bookplate (Willey Park) and inscription ‘Jessie Hope - left to J.A.N. April 1900’.

    Dod and Cleaver’s Plaine and familiar expositions were a Puritan publishing phenomenon. They were written while the two preachers were under a ban imposed by the Bishop of Oxford after they refused to subscribe to Whitgift’s Three Articles and were an inspiration to the generation of Puritans in England and America. Each book was separately issued and they appear bound up in a variety of formations, the present collection being typical. They were later collected as A brief Explanation of the whole book... of Salomon (1615).

    The dedication to Sir Anthony Cope of Hanwell (patron of Dod’s former living in Oxfordshire) explains the desire to stir up evangelical zeal. ‘We are now more willing to make some worke for the Presse, because we have no imployment in the pulpit. And who knoweth, but that others... may be stirred up hereby, to publish some of their godly meditations; that as their faithful labours were formerly like pure fountaines, which did not only refresh their particular congregations: so now, by meanes of printing, they may be made like great and comfortable rivers, to water the whole Lands.’

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  • BLACKLOCK, Thomas. ~ Poems by the late Reverend Dr. Thomas Blacklock; together with an Essay on the Education of the Blind. To which is prefixed a new Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. Edinburgh: Printed by Alexander Chapman and Company; sold by W. Creech, Edinburgh, and T. Cadell, London. 1793.
    First edition, which includes the important first printing in English of Valentin Haüy’s Essai sur l'éducation des aveugles (1786).

    Blacklock was a pioneer of blind education… (more)

    First edition, which includes the important first printing in English of Valentin Haüy’s Essai sur l'éducation des aveugles (1786).

    Blacklock was a pioneer of blind education in the British Isles. ‘He made recommendations about the manner of treatment and the means of education of blind children and adults, and applied his mind to the invention of techniques and devices for the education of the blind. When Blacklock became aware of the new methods of educating blind children being developed in Paris by M. Haüy at the Institut des Jeunes Aveugles he requested a sample of the raised type used to help the children to print and learn to read. Although communication between the countries was disrupted by the onset of the French Revolution, Blacklock received a copy of the book containing the raised text and began translating it into English as An Essay on the Education of the Blind. Blacklock determined that an institution similar to that in Paris should be set up in Edinburgh so that blind children and adults could be educated and earn their living with dignity. Blacklock died at his home in Chapel Street, Edinburgh, on 7 July 1791, after contracting a fever... His ambition to establish an institution to educate blind people was realized through the efforts of his friend David Miller (also blind) and the Revd David Johnston. The Society for the Relief of the Indigent Blind was established in 1793, two years after the first such institution in Britain had been formed in Liverpool’ (Oxford DNB). Jackson, p. 184.

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  • An Adieu to the Turf: a poetical Epistle from The E-L of A----N To His Grace The A----P of Y--K. by (ABINGDON, Willoughby BERTIE, Earl of). (ABINGDON, Willoughby BERTIE, Earl of). ~ An Adieu to the Turf: a poetical Epistle from The E-L of A----N To His Grace The A----P of Y--K. London: Printed for M. Smith; and sold by the booksellers in the Strand, Temple-Bar, and Paternoster-Row. 1778.]
    First edition, with two further editions following in the same year. Rare: ESTC listing copies at Bodley, Cornell, Huntington, and Fisher Library, Sydney only.

    A verse… (more)

    First edition, with two further editions following in the same year. Rare: ESTC listing copies at Bodley, Cornell, Huntington, and Fisher Library, Sydney only.

    A verse satire on the eccentric Earl of Abingdon’s former attachment to sporting pleasures (racing, cricket and cards) and his apparent new-found interest in politics, which he expressed in his inflammatory pamphlet of 1777: Thoughts on the letter of Edmund Burke, esq. to the sheriffs of Bristol on the affairs of America. Of An Adieu to the Turf the Monthly Review noted: ‘Some court wit, a knowing one too, has given, in arch numbers, the last words and dying speech of a Newmarket peer. —Very severe on the Earl of Abingdon,— for turning Patriot.’ Abingdon’s colourful youth is the butt of a stream of jokes: from his preference for Hoyle over Horace, to his attempts to apply the rules of cricket to courtship. ‘Scarce fourteen years has pass’d away / When first I thought of am’rous play, / Of Women not afraid: / For them I left more childish Cricket; / I only strove to hit their Wicket,... / And put-out every Maid’ (p. 3). Jackson, p. 60.

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  • [BOOTHBY, Brooke, Sir]. ~ Sorrows. Sacred to the Memory of Penelope. London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. and sold by Messrs Cadell and Davies... Edwards... and Johnson... 1796.
    First edition of this poetic and artistic memorial to a child; the six year old Penelope Boothby. Its importance lies not so much in its… (more)

    First edition of this poetic and artistic memorial to a child; the six year old Penelope Boothby. Its importance lies not so much in its poetry but its illustrations, which include a frontispiece, The Apotheosis of Penelope Boothby, after a painting by Henry Fuseli; a portrait of the child at the age of 4 after a painting by Joshua Reynolds; and an engraving of her stone memorial by Thomas Banks. The poem, together with these three images are eloquent reflections of the Romantic construction of childhood and are the subject of a long and fascinating entry in the Oxford DNB, in which Rosemary Mitchell elaborates the ‘cultural afterlife’ of the infant Penelope Boothby.

    Sir Brooke Boothby (1744-1824) of Ashbourne Hall was a child of the British Enlightenment. As a young man he was part of the Lichfield circle which included Anna Seward, Erasmus Darwin, Thomas Day, and the Edgeworths, and he was personally acquainted with Rousseau, who had stayed at Ashbourne in 1766 and who Boothby visited some years later during his continental travels. Rousseau’s influence is felt in almost all his published writings.

    He married Susanna Bristow in 1784 and their daughter Penelope, born in 1785, was to be their only child.

    ‘In 1787 the Boothbys visited Paris, where Brooke met the French artist Jacques-Louis David, and by April 1788 they were in London, where a portrait of Penelope was commissioned from Sir Joshua Reynolds... Allegedly a warm relationship developed between the artist and the sitter, who disappeared from her home one day and was found at Reynolds's house. The portrait, on loan at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, has been described as “one of Reynolds' most successful child-portraits, original in conception and brilliant in execution” (Penny, 319): it depicts Penelope sitting down against a wooded landscape, sporting an oversized bonnet, which earned the paintig the epithet of the Mob-Cap. Higonnet comments that Penelope does not quite fit her clothes: “endearingly miniaturized”, she is the classic Romantic child, representative of an Edenic innocence, “absorbed in childhood”, emblematic of “what we have lost and what we fear to lose” (Higonnet, 28).

    Soon after the portrait's completion the Boothbys returned to their estate at Ashbourne in Derbyshire, where Penelope probably spent the remainder of her life. She died on Sunday 13 March 1791, at Ashbourne Hall, after an illness of about a month, during which she was treated by Erasmus Darwin...

    The grief of Penelope's parents led both to memorialize her in their separate fashions. A monument to Penelope was commissioned in 1793 from the prominent sculptor Thomas Banks. Made of Carrara marble, it depicted the little girl apparently sleeping, and carried inscriptions in English, Italian, Latin, and French, culled from the Bible, Catullus, Petrarch, and (unsurprisingly) Rousseau. According to the sculptor's daughter, Brooke Boothby used to come daily to view progress on the effigy, and often wept. When Banks's model (now in the Sir John Soane collection) was exhibited at Somerset House in 1793 Queen Charlotte and her daughters were also apparently moved to tears... Boothby also commissioned the artist Henry Fuseli to memorialize his daughter in a painting entitled The Apotheosis of Penelope Boothby (1792; Wolverhampton Art Gallery). With its strong resemblance to an altarpiece, Fuseli's work depicts a winged and elegantly clad angel sweeping down from heaven to receive an elongated Penelope, while a figure representing the daystar indicates the way upwards. On the ground, an urn and an oversized butterfly or moth serve to symbolize death, the fleeting character of human life, and the resurrection of the dead’ (Oxford DNB).
    Jackson, p. 214.

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  • Edinburgh. by STEVENSON, Robert Louis. STEVENSON, Robert Louis. ~ Edinburgh. London: Seeley & Co Limited, 1905.
    A new edition of the Scottish novelist Stevenson’s 1878 study of the city of Edinburgh, it includes a personal introduction to each part of the… (more)

    A new edition of the Scottish novelist Stevenson’s 1878 study of the city of Edinburgh, it includes a personal introduction to each part of the city and follows with the history of these places.

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  • (MISSAL). ~ Missel des Gloires de l’Eglise. Paris, Limoges: Dalpayrat et Depelley, [ c.1880].
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  • The Island Home; Or the Young Cast-Aways. by ‘ROMAUNT, Christopher’, [pseudonym of J. F BOWMAN]. ‘ROMAUNT, Christopher’, [pseudonym of J. F BOWMAN]. ~ The Island Home; Or the Young Cast-Aways. London and Edinburgh: T. Nelson and Sons, 1854.
    First published in 1852. A tale of boyish desert island adventure of six young lads for which Bowman adopts the trope of a lost manuscript… (more)

    First published in 1852. A tale of boyish desert island adventure of six young lads for which Bowman adopts the trope of a lost manuscript found in a bottle by one Christopher Romaunt.

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  • An Autobiographical Chapter in the Life of Jane, Duchess of Gordon. by GORDON, Jane, Duchess of (1748-1812). [GUILD, James Wyllie, editor]. GORDON, Jane, Duchess of (1748-1812). [GUILD, James Wyllie, editor]. ~ An Autobiographical Chapter in the Life of Jane, Duchess of Gordon. Glasgow: Privately Printed, 1864.
    Sole edition, privately printed, of this collection of a group of letters between the famous beauty and literary patron and the Gordon family accountant. Despite… (more)

    Sole edition, privately printed, of this collection of a group of letters between the famous beauty and literary patron and the Gordon family accountant. Despite Jane Gordon’s early success in society at Edinburgh and London (she was an important early patron of Burns), her estrangement from her husband 1805 brought financial distress. Forced to live in hotel rooms in London she was in constant dispute with her husband over money. These rather pitiful letters, berating her husband for his excesses and pleading for money, were published here for the first time, prefixed by an attractive photographic reproduction of the portrait of the Duchess by Reynolds. OCLC: no US copies.

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  • Milliardaires Americains. by ROUVEYRE, André. ROUVEYRE, André. ~ Milliardaires Americains. [Paris, c. 1910-20].
    Contemporary caricature portraits of the great American millionaires Carnegie, Pierpont-Morgan, Gordon-Bennett, Harjes, Frick and Depew. The drawing was probably intended for reduction and publication in… (more)

    Contemporary caricature portraits of the great American millionaires Carnegie, Pierpont-Morgan, Gordon-Bennett, Harjes, Frick and Depew. The drawing was probably intended for reduction and publication in an (unidentified) journal. Rouveyre (1879-1962) was immensely prolific as a caricaturist and maintained friendships and correspondence with important figures such as Apollinaire and Matisse (having met the latter as joint students of the symbolist painter Gustave Moreau).

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  • A Political Fair. by WOODWARD, [George Murgatroyd]. WOODWARD, [George Murgatroyd]. ~ A Political Fair. London: Thomas Tegg, October 1st 1807.
    George Woodward, affectionately dubbed ‘Mustard George’ by his contemporaries, was one of the pioneers of English caricature. Like his drinking-partner Thomas Rowlandson, Woodward absorbed high… (more)

    George Woodward, affectionately dubbed ‘Mustard George’ by his contemporaries, was one of the pioneers of English caricature. Like his drinking-partner Thomas Rowlandson, Woodward absorbed high and low culture omnivorously and paid keen attention to contemporary politics.

    A Political Fair is ‘a fantastic survey of the international situation’ in 1807 and is considered one of Woodward’s finest images, the print catalogue of the British Museum devoting two full pages to its complex allegories. At the heart of the fair is a large booth (‘The Best-Booth in the Fair’) representing Great Britain holding aloft on its platform images of Britannia, John Bull, together with an Irishman, Scotsman and Welsh harpist gathered convivially around a punchbowl, while a waiter sweeps into the chamber below with a vast joint of roast beef on his platter. All this was typical of Woodward’s patriotism and was intended to portray the essential unity of the nation amidst the host of clamouring figures in the neighbouring booths representing the other nations. Napoleon, in tricorn and feathers, rebuffs a disgruntled Dutchman complaining about his King with the words ‘I never change Mynheer after the goods are taken out of the Shop’. High up on the right, the American booth displays a placard advertising ‘Much ado about Nothing with the Deserter’, a reference to the friction between Britain and the United States over recent defections from British to American ships and the ban on armed British ships in American ports. The Danish booth on the left advertises ‘The English Fleet and The Devil to Pay’ in reference to the hideous bombardment of Copenhagen by the British fleet in September that year.

    Musical and theatrical references abound, with many of the placards punning on the titles of plays and musical performances then showing in London: Much ado about Nothing, All’s well that ends well (Shakespeare), The Padlock (Bickerstaffe), The Deserter (Dibdin), The Double Dealer (on the Russian booth, by Congreve) and The English Fleet (Dibdin again). BM Satires, 10763

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  • Hoedemaekers Rekening Boeck. by (HATMAKERS, Antwerp Guild of.) (HATMAKERS, Antwerp Guild of.) ~ Hoedemaekers Rekening Boeck. [Antwerp, 1707-1776].
    An eighteenth-century account book of the guild of hatmakers in the city of Antwerp, covering nearly 70 years. The Antwerp hatmakers were an important craft… (more)

    An eighteenth-century account book of the guild of hatmakers in the city of Antwerp, covering nearly 70 years. The Antwerp hatmakers were an important craft organization with a well-regulated structure. Their accounts were overseen by aldermen, each serving for several years, who recorded income (usually in the the form of entry fines for new members) and expenditure (usually payment for the guilds officials). One of the major expenditures was the payment of the ‘proefmeesters’ who exercised quality control by examining the products of prospective entrants before admitting them to membership.

    The accounts provide a detailed record of the names of entrants to the guild and of guild officials. They also provide much incidental detail of the position of the craft within the regional economy, with frequent expenditures recording contact with the neighbouring towns of Brussels, Mechelen and Bruges.

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  • The Phoenix and the Turtle. by SHAKESPEARE, William; Léon GISCHIA, illustrator. SHAKESPEARE, William; Léon GISCHIA, illustrator. ~ The Phoenix and the Turtle. [Paris: Imprimérie Union for Raoul Mortier, 17 February 1944.]
    Number 10 of 250 copies. Shakespeare’s metaphysical poem on the theme of idealised and mystical love was first published in the Supplement to Robert Chester’s… (more)

    Number 10 of 250 copies. Shakespeare’s metaphysical poem on the theme of idealised and mystical love was first published in the Supplement to Robert Chester’s Love’s Martyr (1601). In it, the phoenix and the turtle dove are joined in eternal love and burn themselves alive.

    A leading figure in the Nouvelle École de Paris, Léon Gischia continued to produce and exhibit avant-garde work throughout the German occupation, despite repeated denunciation for degeneracy. He also produced designs for the theatre, notably for the production in French of Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral at the théâtre du Vieux Colombier in 1945. Bland, History of Book Illustration, 321.

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  • Idée sur les Romans... publiée avec préface, notes et documents inédits... by SADE, Donatien Alphonse François, marquis de. Octave UZANNE, editor. SADE, Donatien Alphonse François, marquis de. Octave UZANNE, editor. ~ Idée sur les Romans... publiée avec préface, notes et documents inédits... Paris: Édouard Rouveyre, 1878.
    One of 100 copies, this example one of 65 on Whatman paper, of Uzanne’s influential edition of de Sade’s most important and enduring critical essay.… (more)

    One of 100 copies, this example one of 65 on Whatman paper, of Uzanne’s influential edition of de Sade’s most important and enduring critical essay. It had first appeared as a preface to Les crimes de l’amour (1799) and sought to trace the origins and development of the modern or psychological novel from classical literature to the eighteenth-century works of Rousseau, Voltaire, De Graffigny, Marivaux and Crébillon fils and in de Sade’s own Aline et Valcourt. De Sade identifies Richardson and Fielding as the masters of the genre (‘C’est Richardson, c’est Fielding qui nous ont appris que l’étude profonde du coeur de l’homme, véritable dédale de la nature, peut seul inspirer le romancier...’) and he prefers Lewis to Radcliffe among gothic novelists. He also denies his authorship of Justine, attributed to him by contemporaries, writing ‘jamais je n’ai fait de tels ouvrages, et je n’en ferai sûrement jamais.’

    Uzanne adds a bio-bibliographical preface, the latter portion providing a checklist of de Sade’s works and a critical overview of nineteenth-century studies.

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  • Le Tableau de la Vie. Année 1820. by (MINIATURE BOOK). (MINIATURE BOOK). ~ Le Tableau de la Vie. Année 1820. Paris [?Marcilly], 1820.
    An almanac for the year 1820. Engraved throughout with text and images. A delightful miniature almanac, which is preceded by several popular songs (‘Aux Dames’,… (more)

    An almanac for the year 1820. Engraved throughout with text and images. A delightful miniature almanac, which is preceded by several popular songs (‘Aux Dames’, ‘le Portraits’, ‘le Banquet’, ‘la Barque à Caron’ etc.) Though without imprint, this is characteristic of the popular miniature books produced by Marcilly. Not in Worldcat (which locates only an 1821 issue, described as in ‘128mo’). It is probable that it was issued in these two years only. Grand-Carteret 1908 (citing a copy in the collection of Georges Salomons).

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  • Designs of modern costume. &c... on 29 plates... by MOSES, Henry. MOSES, Henry. ~ Designs of modern costume. &c... on 29 plates... [London:] Henry Setchel & Son, [n.d., 1823.]
    A collection of finely-executed plates illustrating the vogue for neo-Classical dress, with figures and groups placed within appropriate drawing-room and dinner-table settings. Moses was a… (more)

    A collection of finely-executed plates illustrating the vogue for neo-Classical dress, with figures and groups placed within appropriate drawing-room and dinner-table settings. Moses was a sought-after engraver who worked for James Barrie, William Opie and Benjamin West, among others. His lightly-draped figures rendered with a sparse line have clear echoes of Flaxman. The collection was also issued under the imprint of at least two other London publishers (M’Lean and Miller).

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  • Lettres de Ninon de l’Enclos au marquis de Sévigné. by [DAMOURS, Louis.] [DAMOURS, Louis.] ~ Lettres de Ninon de l’Enclos au marquis de Sévigné. Amsterdam: François Joly, 1750.
    First edition of a bestselling epistolary novel. It purports to be a collection of letters by the famous courtesan, Anne ‘Ninon’ de Lenclos (1620-1705, friend… (more)

    First edition of a bestselling epistolary novel. It purports to be a collection of letters by the famous courtesan, Anne ‘Ninon’ de Lenclos (1620-1705, friend of Boileau, La Fontaine, Racine and Molière) to Madame de Sevigné. Voltaire (and others) wrongly assumed the author to be Crébillon fils. It was frequently reprinted and translated into several European languages (including the English translation by Elizabeth Griffith, who assumed them to be genuine). Cioranescu 22167; Gay II, 828.

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  • Paneros. Some words on aphrodisiacs and the like. by DOUGLAS, Norman. DOUGLAS, Norman. ~ Paneros. Some words on aphrodisiacs and the like. Florence: [Tipografia Giuntina] ‘privately printed for subscribers by G. Orioli, Lungarno Corsini’, [ 1930].
    First edition, privately printed. The limitation notice reads ‘This Edition is issued to Subscribers only and limited to two hundred and fifty copies, numbered and… (more)

    First edition, privately printed. The limitation notice reads ‘This Edition is issued to Subscribers only and limited to two hundred and fifty copies, numbered and signed by the Author. The price will be doubled after first of March, 1931’. This copy is, however, unsigned and unnumbered. The work forms issue no. 5 of The Lugano Series.

    ‘From 1920 until 1937 Douglas was settled in Florence... As his fame grew, he became much visited by inter-war writers, and forged close friendships with D. H. Lawrence and Bryher. During these years he lived with the publisher Giuseppe (Pino) Orioli, who helped him publish several limited editions, most of which were later commercially published in London... In 1937 Douglas was forced to flee Florence after the police made enquiries concerning his friendship with a ten-year-old local girl’ (Katherine Mullin in Oxford DNB).

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  • Catholisches Gebett Bichlein Worinen schöne Morgen Abend Messbeicht Comunion Gebetter wie auch schöne Litaneyen sambt andern unterschidlichen Gebettern eingezogen, geschriben worden von mir Johann... [name illegible]. by (DEVOTION). (DEVOTION). ~ Catholisches Gebett Bichlein Worinen schöne Morgen Abend Messbeicht Comunion Gebetter wie auch schöne Litaneyen sambt andern unterschidlichen Gebettern eingezogen, geschriben worden von mir Johann... [name illegible]. [Southern Germany], 1768.
    An attractive vernacular mass and prayer book, characteristic of German Catholic devotion of this period, with decorative calligraphic headings and vignettes. The title translates loosely… (more)

    An attractive vernacular mass and prayer book, characteristic of German Catholic devotion of this period, with decorative calligraphic headings and vignettes. The title translates loosely as Little Catholic Prayer Book in which the best morning, evening, mass confession [and] communion prayers as well as the best litanies have been put together with other different prayers, written by me....’

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