L’Orpheline angloise, ou histoire de Charlotte Summers, imitée de l’anglois…

L’Orpheline angloise, ou histoire de Charlotte Summers, imitée de l’anglois de M. N**** par Mr. de la Place. by [FIELDING, Sarah, attributed to]. < >
  • Another image of L’Orpheline angloise, ou histoire de Charlotte Summers, imitée de l’anglois de M. N**** par Mr. de la Place. by [FIELDING, Sarah, attributed to].
  • Another image of L’Orpheline angloise, ou histoire de Charlotte Summers, imitée de l’anglois de M. N**** par Mr. de la Place. by [FIELDING, Sarah, attributed to].

~ L’Orpheline angloise, ou histoire de Charlotte Summers, imitée de l’anglois de M. N**** par Mr. de la Place. ‘Londres et se trouve à Paris’ [probably printed in Paris]: chez Rollin fils, 1752.

4 vols., 12mo (135 × 80 mm.), pp. [ii], iv, 315, [1]; [ii], 328; [ii], 282; [ii], 345, [1] (blank), including engraved titles to each vol. (signed Charpentier) plus 4 engraved plates (one in each volume), signed P. Aveline. Paper flaw or tear to pp. 185-188 in vol. 4, across much of each of the two leaves but with no loss of text. Nineteenth-century quarter calf, flat spines, gilt in an attractive “romantique” style. Slightly rubbed. A very good copy.

A rare early edition of the French translation of The History of Charlotte Summers; the author’s imitation of Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones (1749) and translated by Fielding’s own French translator. L’Orpheline angloise had first appeared the previous year also with a (false) Londres imprint. Rochedieu p. 109.

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