[CUMBERLAND, Richard]. ~ Henry. Traduction de l’anglais. Paris: Maradan, ‘An V’, 1797.
4 vols, 12mo (168 × 90 mm), pp. 7, [1], 303, [1]; 7, [1], 321, [1]; 7, [1], 301, [1]; 7, [1], 286, with half-titles. Early quarter sheep, spines ruled in gilt, corners with green vellum tips. Slightly rubbed, one spine slightly chipped at head, but a very nice copy. From the books of the late Martin Stone (1946-2016).
First edition in French, rare. Cumberland’s Fielding-inspired novel was first published in 1795, though is lesser known than his first novel Arundel (1789). It is probably better, though, than its successor John de Lancaster (1809), ‘best left undescribed’ (Oxford DNB). Rochedieu (p. 74) lists an edition 1799 only. Copac lists the BL copy only.
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