
  • Keywords = novels
  • MONTJOIE, Christophe Felix Louis Ventre de Latouloubre, called Galart de. ~ Histoire d’Inès de Léon. Paris: Le Normant, 1805.
    First edition of the last of Galart de Montjoie’s several novels on a Spanish theme. A Royalist throughout the Revolution, the author spent several periods… (more)

    First edition of the last of Galart de Montjoie’s several novels on a Spanish theme. A Royalist throughout the Revolution, the author spent several periods in hiding, but emerged as a prolific journalist and novelist after the fall of Robespierre, contributing to the Journal des débats, and Journal général de France. Margaret Rees, French Authors on Spain, 1800-1850 A Checklist (1977), As 37. Rare: OCLC lists copies at Bn, National Library of Sweden and Michigan State University only.

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  • MARIVAUX, [Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de]. ~ La Vie de Marianne, ou les Avantures de Madame la Comtesse de ***. ‘Londres’ [Paris]. 1788.
    Marianne exercised a lively influence on the development of the novel both in France and England, being widely-read on both sides of the Channel. Left… (more)

    Marianne exercised a lively influence on the development of the novel both in France and England, being widely-read on both sides of the Channel. Left incomplete by Marivaux, it was first published in 11 individual parts between 1731 and 1741 and a final part added later by Madame Riccoboni. There were numerous French and English editions: this attractive Cazin-like edition contains all 12 parts, the ‘Londres’ imprint is false, and the second volume bears a Paris ‘chez Laporte’ imprint. cf. Gay IV, 1338 and Cioransecu 42737-42747 (first edition), neither lists our edition. ESTC: BL, Amsterdam Universiteitsbibliothek, Johns Hopkins, McGill and McMaster. OCLC adds no more.

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  • Les Puritains d’Écosse et le Nain mystérieux, Contes de mon hôte recueillis par Jedediah Cleisbotham, by [SCOTT, Sir Walter]. [SCOTT, Sir Walter]. ~ Les Puritains d’Écosse et le Nain mystérieux, Contes de mon hôte recueillis par Jedediah Cleisbotham, Paris: [Clo for] H. Nicolle and Ledoux et Tenré, 1817.
    First editions in French of the two novels Old Mortality and The Black Dwarf (1816) from Scott’s Tales of my Landlord, only the second volume… (more)

    First editions in French of the two novels Old Mortality and The Black Dwarf (1816) from Scott’s Tales of my Landlord, only the second volume of Scott’s fictional works to appear in France (after Guy Mannering). Pseudonymously issued, both in Britain and France, it was listed under the pseudonym ‘Cleisbotham’ in the Bibliographie de France. This is the first of Auguste-Jean-Baptiste Defauconpret’s translations and marks the beginning of Scott’s celebrity in France: ‘the first considerable success’ (Dargan). It is also one of the most influential of Scott’s works in France. ‘Defauconpret’s Les Puritains d’Ecosse gave Scott his first French success and first major European breakthrough. Although partially obscured by Ivanhoe and Quentin Durward, it remained for many Frenchmen the Scott novel Par excellence. Stendhal is among many to call Scott not ‘the author of Waverly’ but ‘the author of Old Mortality’ Often critical of Scott, Stendhal remained an unswerving admirer of Old Mortality’ (Barnaby). It was also frequently alluded to by Balzac throughout La Comédie Humaine.

    On the strength of its immediate success, the publisher, Nicolle (the predecessor of Gosselin) engaged Defauconpret to translate subsequent novels as they appeared. Bearing in mind its tremendous influence on French European literature, the French edition is remarkably rare. WorldCat lists copies at Bn, NLS, Universities of Edinburgh, Leipzig and Princeton. E. Preston Dargan, ‘Scott and the French Romantics’, PMLA, Vol. 49, No. 2 (Jun 1934), 2 & 3 (May 3); Paul Barnaby, ‘Another Tale of Old Mortality: The Translations of Auguste-Jean-Baptiste Defauconpret in the French Reception of Scott.’ in Pittock, ed., The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, 2006; Garside, Raven and Schöwerling, The English Novel 1770-1829, 1816: 53.

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  • Manuscrit trouvé au mont Pausilype. by MONTJOIE, Christophe Felix Louis Ventre de Latouloubre, called Galart de. MONTJOIE, Christophe Felix Louis Ventre de Latouloubre, called Galart de. ~ Manuscrit trouvé au mont Pausilype. Paris: Le Normant, 1802.
    First edition. A Royalist throughout the Revolution, the author spent several periods in hiding, but emerged as a prolific journalist and novelist after the fall… (more)

    First edition. A Royalist throughout the Revolution, the author spent several periods in hiding, but emerged as a prolific journalist and novelist after the fall of Robespierre, contributing to the Journal des Débats, and Journal général de France. A popular novel, making use of the the well-established manuscrit trouvé trope, Hector Berlioz recalled reading it (in a meadow) at the age of 17 (Voyage Musical, 1844). OCLC: BL only outside continental Europe, no US copies.

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  • Faramond, roman. by LA CALPRENÈDE, Gauthier de Costes de. [Alexandre-Nicolas de La Rochefoucauld marquis de SURGÈRES, editor]. LA CALPRENÈDE, Gauthier de Costes de. [Alexandre-Nicolas de La Rochefoucauld marquis de SURGÈRES, editor]. ~ Faramond, roman. Paris: Bauche, 1753.
    First edition of the marquis de Surgères’ abridgement of La Calprenède’s massive historical romance on the early history of France, first published in 12 volumes… (more)

    First edition of the marquis de Surgères’ abridgement of La Calprenède’s massive historical romance on the early history of France, first published in 12 volumes (1661-70). Following the success of his earlier abridgement of Cassandre, he reduces the text of Faramond to manageable size for a contemporary audience.

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  • Les Petits Émigrés, ou Correspondance de quelques enfans. Ouvrage fait pour servir à l’éducation de la jeunesse. by GENLIS, Stéphanie Félicité Brulart, comtesse de. GENLIS, Stéphanie Félicité Brulart, comtesse de. ~ Les Petits Émigrés, ou Correspondance de quelques enfans. Ouvrage fait pour servir à l’éducation de la jeunesse. Paris: Onfroy and Fr. de Lagarde in Berlin, 1798.
    First edition. An educational epistolary novel about the life of young emigrés during the French Revolution — written the with first-hand experience of exile: Madame… (more)

    First edition. An educational epistolary novel about the life of young emigrés during the French Revolution — written the with first-hand experience of exile: Madame Genlis having lived a peripatetic life outside France since 1791. Dedicated to her grandchildren and aimed both at children and older readers, the novel opens with epigrams from Irish-born actor-playwright Arthur Murphy (‘There are three things highly pernicious to the endearments of beauty...... gaming, scandal and politics’.) and Voltaire (‘C’est être un monstre, que de ne pas aimer ceux qui ont cultivé notre ame’). A ‘Hambourg’ edition appeared in the same year, and the book was published in English as The Young Exiles, or, Correspondence of some juvenile Emigrants the following year. Cioranescu, 30621; Martin, Mylne & Frautschi, Bibliographie du genre romanesque français, 1751-1800, 98.44. Worldcat: University of Southern Mississippi

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  • MORTONVAL, M. [pseudonym of Alexandre Fursy GUESDON]. ~ Dame de Saint Bris chroniques du temps de la Ligue, 1587... deuxième edition. Paris: [J. Pinard for] Ambroise Dupont, 1827.
    Second edition (printed in the same year as the first) of a popular historical novel set at the time of the French Wars of Religion.… (more)

    Second edition (printed in the same year as the first) of a popular historical novel set at the time of the French Wars of Religion. Gusedon served in the Napoleonic armies before producing several plays for the theatre and then devoting himself to historical fiction, which he published under the pseudonym Mortonval. This copy has been bound to match several works by Sir Walter Scott from the same library. OCLC locates copies at University of Kentucky (this edition) and Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (edition not stated) only, but there are copies of both first and second edition at Bn.

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  • La Dot de Suzette, ou, Histoire de Mme. de Senneterre. by [FIÉVÉE, Joseph]. [FIÉVÉE, Joseph]. ~ La Dot de Suzette, ou, Histoire de Mme. de Senneterre. Paris: Maradan, ‘An sixième’, [ 1798].
    First edition of one of the bestsellers of the Directoire-era, a clandestine novel of contemporary morality, told by a female narrator. Fiévée is an interesting… (more)

    First edition of one of the bestsellers of the Directoire-era, a clandestine novel of contemporary morality, told by a female narrator. Fiévée is an interesting figure. A journalist, novelist and civil servant, his Royalist sympathies forced him into hiding in the 1790s. Freed by Napoleon, he became an intelligence agent under the Empire and was ennobled. He lived in an openly gay relationship with Théodore Leclercq until his death and the two men share the same grave at Père Lachaise. Martin, Mylne & Frautschi, Bibliographie du genre romanesque français, 1751-1800, 98.41.

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  • Le Siège de La Rochelle, ou le Malheur et la conscience. by GENLIS, [Stéphanie Félicité, comtesse de]. GENLIS, [Stéphanie Félicité, comtesse de]. ~ Le Siège de La Rochelle, ou le Malheur et la conscience. Paris: Frères Mame for Librairie stéréotype de Nicolle, 1807.
    First edition, dedicated to Pauline Brady, an admirer of Madame Genlis who had withdrawn to her estate outside Orléans to devote herself to the education… (more)

    First edition, dedicated to Pauline Brady, an admirer of Madame Genlis who had withdrawn to her estate outside Orléans to devote herself to the education of her children according to the author’s methods. cf. Cioranescu, 30660 (edition of 1808, in 12mo).

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  • Nouveaux Tableaux de famille ou, la Vie d’un pauvre ministre de village allemand, et de ses enfans. Traduit de l’allemand... par Isabelle de Montolieu. by LAFONTAINE, August [Heinrich Julius]. LAFONTAINE, August [Heinrich Julius]. ~ Nouveaux Tableaux de famille ou, la Vie d’un pauvre ministre de village allemand, et de ses enfans. Traduit de l’allemand... par Isabelle de Montolieu. Geneva: J.J. Paschoud [se trouve à Paris, Fuchs, Maradan, Lenormant, Pougens], 1802.
    First edition in French of Lafontaine’s popular novel Leben eines armen Landpredigers (Berlin, 1800-1), the translation by novelist Isabelle de Montolieu. OCLC: UCLA, Princeton and… (more)

    First edition in French of Lafontaine’s popular novel Leben eines armen Landpredigers (Berlin, 1800-1), the translation by novelist Isabelle de Montolieu. OCLC: UCLA, Princeton and Penn State only outside continental Europe.

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  • Idée sur les Romans... publiée avec préface, notes et documents inédits... by SADE, Donatien Alphonse François, marquis de. Octave UZANNE, editor. SADE, Donatien Alphonse François, marquis de. Octave UZANNE, editor. ~ Idée sur les Romans... publiée avec préface, notes et documents inédits... Paris: Édouard Rouveyre, 1878.
    One of 100 copies, this example one of 65 on Whatman paper, of Uzanne’s influential edition of de Sade’s most important and enduring critical essay.… (more)

    One of 100 copies, this example one of 65 on Whatman paper, of Uzanne’s influential edition of de Sade’s most important and enduring critical essay. It had first appeared as a preface to Les crimes de l’amour (1799) and sought to trace the origins and development of the modern or psychological novel from classical literature to the eighteenth-century works of Rousseau, Voltaire, De Graffigny, Marivaux and Crébillon fils and in de Sade’s own Aline et Valcourt. De Sade identifies Richardson and Fielding as the masters of the genre (‘C’est Richardson, c’est Fielding qui nous ont appris que l’étude profonde du coeur de l’homme, véritable dédale de la nature, peut seul inspirer le romancier...’) and he prefers Lewis to Radcliffe among gothic novelists. He also denies his authorship of Justine, attributed to him by contemporaries, writing ‘jamais je n’ai fait de tels ouvrages, et je n’en ferai sûrement jamais.’

    Uzanne adds a bio-bibliographical preface, the latter portion providing a checklist of de Sade’s works and a critical overview of nineteenth-century studies.

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  • Lettres de Ninon de l’Enclos au marquis de Sévigné. by [DAMOURS, Louis.] [DAMOURS, Louis.] ~ Lettres de Ninon de l’Enclos au marquis de Sévigné. Amsterdam: François Joly, 1750.
    First edition of a bestselling epistolary novel. It purports to be a collection of letters by the famous courtesan, Anne ‘Ninon’ de Lenclos (1620-1705, friend… (more)

    First edition of a bestselling epistolary novel. It purports to be a collection of letters by the famous courtesan, Anne ‘Ninon’ de Lenclos (1620-1705, friend of Boileau, La Fontaine, Racine and Molière) to Madame de Sevigné. Voltaire (and others) wrongly assumed the author to be Crébillon fils. It was frequently reprinted and translated into several European languages (including the English translation by Elizabeth Griffith, who assumed them to be genuine). Cioranescu 22167; Gay II, 828.

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  • [SAURIN, Bernard Joseph.] ~ Mirza et Fatmé, conte indien, traduit de l’Arabe. ‘À la Haye’ [Paris], 1754.
    First edition. A rare novel for young readers, in the form of a fairy tale set in India, with a full complement of the requisite… (more)

    First edition. A rare novel for young readers, in the form of a fairy tale set in India, with a full complement of the requisite genies and magical occurrences; a preface by the ‘translator’ explains the origins of the text and tells of its discovery in Delhi in an Arabic manuscript from the library of the Grand Mogul. Saurin (1706-1781) was a dramatist and poet with a particular interest in contemporary English writing; he published translations and imitations of Pope, Thomson, Lillo, etc. He was very friendly with Helvétius, who secured him a pension which enabled him to abandon law and dedicate himself to writing.

    The novel appeared in English as Mirza and Fatima in the same year. Cioranescu 59517; Gay III, 240; Dufrenoy, L’Orient Romanesque en France 1704-1789, 181.

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  • Torr Hill. By the author of “Brambletye house,” etc., etc., by [SMITH, Horatio.] [SMITH, Horatio.] ~ Torr Hill. By the author of “Brambletye house,” etc., etc., Paris: [A. Belin for] A. and W. Galignani, 1827.
    Smith’s popular historical romance set at Glastonbury in the time of Henry VIII and the Reformation. This edition was printed for Galignani’s popular foreign language… (more)

    Smith’s popular historical romance set at Glastonbury in the time of Henry VIII and the Reformation. This edition was printed for Galignani’s popular foreign language bookshop in Paris in the year following the first English edition. It was also published in French in 1827. Though printed in Paris, this copy seems to have soon found a German home: the handsome contemporary binding uses German marbled paper and beneath the pastedowns are visible sheets of printer’s waste bearing bold black-letter text. COPAC gives BL only for this edition.

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  • La Princesse de Clèves. by LAFAYETTE, Marie-Madeleine de, LAFAYETTE, Marie-Madeleine de, ~ La Princesse de Clèves. “Amsterdam et se trouve a Paris” [probably Paris], 1786.
    A nice copy of this famous novel, issued as volumes 4 & 5 of a set of the works of Madame de Lafayette, but bound… (more)

    A nice copy of this famous novel, issued as volumes 4 & 5 of a set of the works of Madame de Lafayette, but bound separately here without the half-titles from the set and the spines numbered “I” and “II”. The library of Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex was sold at auction in 1844-45.

    Eschewing the fantastic rhetoric of other seventeenth-century authors such as Madeleine de Scudéry, and the excesses of heroic romance, La Fayette preferred to explore the realities of human emotion when exposed to love and jealousy and told a remarkably modern story of a virtuous young wife who suppressed her passion for a nobleman in the name of honour and duty. In so doing, La Fayette launched the ‘novel of character’ as a genre, in which the character of the protagonists is more important than the events of the plot. Set in the previous century during the reign of Henri II and with carefully researched historical detail, the novel nevertheless pursues themes of individuality and public expectation absolutely contemporary to its author’s times. After La Fayette, writers of French novels continued to be preoccupied with the realistic analysis of love, but none of their productions can compare with Princesse de Clèves until perhaps Laclos’ Les Liaisons Dangereuses (1782).

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