[PILES, Roger de] CORNEILLE, Jean-Baptiste. ~ Les premiers Élemens de la peinture pratique enrichis de figures de proportion mesurées sur l’Antique, desinées & gravées par J.B. Corneille... Paris: Nicolas Langlois, 1784.
12mo (165 × 90 mm), pp. [12], 96 (includes integral initial blank), ten engraved vignettes/illustrations (including title vignette). Plus 50 engraved plates (20 numbered, 30 unnumbered, with two engraved titles. Contemporary mottled sheep, spine gilt. Rubbed, minor wear to extremities. A very good copy.
First edition. One of the first French painting manuals, often cited as containing the first engravings of the artist’s palette. The twenty numbered plates are those by Corneille referred to on the title while the thirty unnumbered plates are the etchings by Sébastien Leclerc, with their own title-page directly after the text: Figures d’academie pour aprendre; désiner, gravées par Sebastien LeClerc (A Paris Chez N. Langlois, rue St. Jacques; la Victoire).
Neither set of plates was invariably included and the latter plates are preceded by Jombert’s 1751 title-page, as in several other copies, suggesting Les premiers Élemens de la peinture pratique was reissued in the eighteenth century, using original copies/sheets and adding a further suite of plates.
Cicognara, 314: ‘Libretto piuttosto raro e succinto che ha qualche merito per la succosa con cui è scritto: ma si estende presso ché esclusivamente sui preparativi meccanici dell’arte della pittura e le tavole sono inserte fra il testo dell’opera.’