LEOMINSTER ~ [Drop-head title:] TO THE LEOMINSTER Burgesses. A Song. [ 1750s-60s?]
Slim folio (315 × 130 mm), printed on recto only; a few spots at head, upper corner cut away (no loss).
Not found in ESTC. An otherwise unrecorded verse satire on the topic of parliamentary abuse in the Herefordshire town of Leominster in the mid-eighteenth century: ‘Ye voters of LEOM’STER attend to my song’. The precise context remains to be discovered, but the ‘Sir Robert’ referred to is probably Sir Robert de Cornwall, MP for Leominster in the Whig interest from 1747–54. The song pretends to castigate Sir Robert for insisting that no vote can be bought, when everyone knows they can be gained ‘by a Wink or a Nod.
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