The Gamester. A tragedy. With prefatory remarks. The only edition…

~ The Gamester. A tragedy. With prefatory remarks. The only edition existing which is faithfully marked with the stage business, and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal. By W. Oxberry, Comedian. London: published for the proprietors by W. Simkin and R. Marshall, and C. Chapple, 1823.

12mo (207 × 125 mm.), pp. vii, [v], 57, [3], with frontispiece. Occasional browning and offsetting (slightly affecting title), edges unopened. Original printed drab wrappers.

Oxberry’s edition. Moore’s play opened in 1753 with a run of 10 nights at the Drury Lane with Garrick in the lead role and remained popular until the middle of the nineteenth century. Only three copies listed on COPAC, at Oxford, Manchester and Birmingham.

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