- Keywords = social sciences
CARUS, Carl Gustav.
Vorlesungen über Psychologie, gehalten im Winter 1829/30 zu Dresden...
Leipzig: Gerhard Fleischer for Adolf Frohberger,
More details Price: £225.00
Great Britains remembrancer, looking in and out. Tending to the increase of the monies of the Commonwealth. Presented to his Highness the Lord Protector, and to the High Court of Parliament now assembled...
London: for Tho[mas] Newcomb, and are to be sold by Humphrey Moseley,
More details Price: £400.00
Report of the Catholic Blind Asylum, 59, Brunswick Road, Liverpool, (established in 1841,) read at the annual meeting of the subscribers and friends at the asylum on Monday, the 9th February, 1863, The very Rev. Canon Walmsley president of the institution in the chair; with a statement of the accounts, and list of subscribers, & c.
Liverpool: M. Rourke, Printer, South John Street,
More details Price: £40.00
Rules and orders to be observed by the Union Society, Macclesfield. Founded January 28th 1783... revised by the committee.
Macclesfield: P. Hall,
More details Price: £400.00
A Letter to Mr. Hugh Bell, Chairman of the Convention of Delegates.
More details Price: £75.00
[HARDY, Thomas.]
The patriot. Addressed to the people, on the present state of affairs in Britain and in France. With observations on Republican government, and discussions of the principles advanced in the writings of Thomas Paine.
Edinburgh: for J. Dickson and G. Nichol in London,
More details Price: £150.00
A descriptive and historical Account of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, including the Borough of Gateshead.
Newcastle: Mackenzie and Dent,
More details Price: £300.00
SULLY, Maximilien de Béthune, Duc de.
Memoires de sages et royales oeconomies d’estat, domestiques, politiques et militaires de Henry le Grand, l’exemplaire des roys, le prince des vertus, des armes et des loix, & le pere en effet de ses peuples François. Et des servitudes utiles obeissances convenables & administrations loyales de Maximilen de Bethune l’un des plus confidens; familiers & utiles soldats & serviteurs du grand Mars des François. Dediez à la France, à tous les bons Soldats & tous peuples François.
“A Amstelredam: chez Alethinosgraphe de Clearetimelee, & Graphexechon de Pistariste, à l’enseigne des trois vertus couronées d’Amaranthe,” n.d., [
More details Price: £1,400.00
BROUGHAM and VAUX, Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron.
The present State of the Law. The speech of Henry Brougham, Esq., M.P., in the House of Commons, on Thursday, February 7, 1828, on his Motion, that an humble Address be presented His Majesty, praying that he will graciously be pleased to issue a Commission for inquring into the Defects occasioned by Time and otherwise in the Laws of this Realm, and into the Measures necessary for removing the Same.
London: Henry Colburn,
More details Price: £200.00
[GRANT, Anne].
Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland: to which are added, Translations from the Gaelic; and Letters connected with those formerly published. In two Volumes...
London: [J. Hay & Co. Edinburgh] for Longman, Hurst [and others] and John Anderson in Edinburgh,
More details Price: £220.00