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(MEGALITHS). ~ Photographs of Ancient Stone Monuments. [Edinburgh, c. 1930]
More details Price: £800.00 -
[POURRET DES GAUDS, A.] ~ Le Pélerinage d’Holy-Rood, ou, Le récit et le rêve... Paris: G.-A. Dentu, 1832.
More details Price: £600.00 -
(SCOTLAND). ~ (Petitions). [Edinburgh, 1757-1768].
More details Price: £1,800.00 -
[BURNS, Robert]. ~ The Merry Muses, a choice Collection of favourite Songs gathered from many Sources... to which are added two of his Letters and a Poem—hitherto suppressed—never before reprinted. ‘Privately printed. [not for sale.], 1827’, [but c. 1881].
More details Price: £400.00 -
(MCADAM). BYERLEY, Sir John Scott. ~ Mémoire sur les routes anglaises, dites routes de M. Mac Adam... lu à la Société royale et centrale d’agriculture. Paris: Imprimérie de Madame Huzard (née Vallant la Chapelle)... 1824.
More details Price: £200.00 -
GORDON, Jane, Duchess of (1748-1812). [GUILD, James Wyllie, editor]. ~ An Autobiographical Chapter in the Life of Jane, Duchess of Gordon. Glasgow: Privately Printed, 1864.
More details Price: £120.00 -
On scholastic Offices in the Scottish Church in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
[N.p., ?Edinburgh or Aberdeen]: printed for private circulation,
More details Price: £50.00
A Letter to Mr. Hugh Bell, Chairman of the Convention of Delegates.
More details Price: £75.00
A Bill Proposed to be submitted to the consideration of Parliament [drop-head title], for Correcting the Abuses, and supplying the Defects, in the internal Government of the Royal Boroughs, and in the manner of accounting for the Property, Annual Revenues, and Expenditure of the same, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland. Prepared by The Committee of Delegates,
More details Price: £400.00
[GRANT, Anne]. ~ Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland: to which are added, Translations from the Gaelic; and Letters connected with those formerly published. In two Volumes... London: [J. Hay & Co. Edinburgh] for Longman, Hurst [and others] and John Anderson in Edinburgh, 1811.
More details Price: £220.00