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(CORNWALL). [CONVOCATION OF TINNERS.] ~ Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall, made at the Convocation or Parliament of Tinners, at Truro, Sept. 13, Anno 27o Geo. II. In which the Laws made 22o Jac. I 12o Car. I 4o Jac. II. are recited and confirmed. To which are added the Laws made at Truro, 2o Annae Reg. [Truro:] printed by order of the Convocation, [ 1753].
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WOOD, Thomas. ~ The Progress of Christianity, from its first Promulgation at Jerusalem, to its legal Establishment under Constantine. Also a Sketch of the primitive Christain Church with Notes geographical and critical. Huddersfield: printed, for the author, by T. Smart: sold also by W. Baynes, London; J. Guthrie, Edinburgh; Dugdale, Dublin; Wilson & Spence, York; Lansdown, & Bulgin, Bristol; all other booksellers in the United Kingdom, and the booksellers in America. 1805.
More details Price: £200.00 -
Report of the Catholic Blind Asylum, 59, Brunswick Road, Liverpool, (established in 1841,) read at the annual meeting of the subscribers and friends at the asylum on Monday, the 9th February, 1863, The very Rev. Canon Walmsley president of the institution in the chair; with a statement of the accounts, and list of subscribers, & c.
Liverpool: M. Rourke, Printer, South John Street,
More details Price: £40.00
(FRIENDLY SOCIETIES). ~ Rules and orders to be observed by the Union Society, Macclesfield. Founded January 28th 1783... revised by the committee. Macclesfield: P. Hall, 1817.
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MACKENZIE, Eneas. ~ A descriptive and historical Account of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, including the Borough of Gateshead. Newcastle: Mackenzie and Dent, 1827.
More details Price: £300.00 -
NEILL, Hugh.
The practice in the Liverpool Ophthalmic Infirmary, in the year 1834; being the first special report...
[Liverpool: D. Marples & Co.] for W. Grapel in Liverpool and Longman, Rees, Orme, and Co. in London,
More details Price: £250.00