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LE NORMAND, Marie-Anne Adélaïde. ~ Arrêt suprême des dieux de l’Olympe en faveur de Mme. la Duchesse de Berry et de son fils. L’Ombre du Prince de Bourbon Condé (Louis-Henri-Joseph), à son filleul le duc d’Aumale d’Orléans (Henri Eugène-Philippe-Louis). Révélations, etc. Paris: [Dondey-Dupré for] Mlle Le Normand, 28 February, 1833.
More details Price: £400.00 -
ZOROASTER. ~ Oracula Magica Zoraoastris cum scholis Plethonis et Pselli nunc primum editi. E bibliotheca regia. Studio Johannis Opsopoei. Paris: [Compagnie du Grand Navire], 1599.
More details Price: £950.00 -
INDAGINE, Johannes ab. [or Johannes ROSENBACH]. ~ Introductiones apotelesmaticae elegantes, in chyromantiam, physiognomiam, astrologiam naturalem, complexiones hominum, naturas planetarum, cum periaxiomatibus de faciebus signorum, & canonibus de aegritudinibus, nusquam ferè simili tractata compendio. [Strasbourg: Johannes Scott for the author], 1522.
More details Price: £8,500.00 -
LE NORMAND, Marie-Anne Adélaïde. ~ L’Ombre immortelle de Catherine II au tombeau d’Alexandre Ier. Paris: Mlle Le Normand, auteur-éditeur,... Dondey-Dupré père et fils,... et chez les principaux libraires de la France et de l’étranger, 1 Février 1826
More details Price: £400.00 -
LES VAMPIRES. ~ Jurons !!! pas de diminutions...... Paris: H. Platel. Cheyère, [n.d. 1826].
More details Price: £1,800.00 -
VERGIL, Polydore. ~ [De inventoribus rerum. In English]. An Abridgeme[n]t of the notable Worke of Polidore Vergile conteygnyng the Deuisers and first Finders out aswell of Artes, Ministeries, Feactes & ciuill Ordinaunces, as of Rites, & Ceremonies, commonly vsed in the Churche: and the originall Beginnyng of the Same. Compe[n]diousely gathered by Thomas Langley. ‘Imprinted at London within the precincte of the late dissolved house of the grey Friers, by Richarde Grafton printer to the Princis grace, the.xxv. daie of Ianuarie, the yere of our Lorde, M.D.XLVI’. [ 1546].
More details Price: £22,500.00 -
(FREEMASONRY). ~ Free masonry the high-way to hell. A sermon: wherein is clearly proved, both from reason and scripture, that all who profess these mysteries are in a state of eternal damnation. London: [no printer’s name given], 1768.
More details Price: £600.00 -
[GRANT, Anne]. ~ Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland: to which are added, Translations from the Gaelic; and Letters connected with those formerly published. In two Volumes... London: [J. Hay & Co. Edinburgh] for Longman, Hurst [and others] and John Anderson in Edinburgh, 1811.
More details Price: £220.00