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UPTON, Nicholas. ~ De studio militari, libri quatuor. Iohan. de Bado Aureo, Tractatus de armis. Henrici Spelmanni Aspilogia. Edoardus Bissæus. E codicibus mss. primus publici juris fecit, notisque illustravit. London: Roger Norton, for John MartinJames Allestrye & Jacobi Allestrye sub signo Campanæ in Coemiterio D. Pauli, 1654.
More details Price: £950.00 -
[DUBERGIER]. ~ Le Jugement par Jury, ou la Vengeance d’une Femme... Paris: Dondey-Dupré père et fils, 1824.
More details Price: £1,650.00 -
BOYDELL, James. ~ The Ullage Cask Gauger, comprised in a Series of Tables, calculated with the utmost Accuracy and Perspicuity. Whereby the Ullage Contents of any Cask, from five to one hundred and sixty Gallons (inclusive) is at one View exactly and expeditiously known: and likewise the Ullage Contents of all other Casks, however large. As also the Foot or Sediment in Oil Casks, are alike correctly ascertained. Compiled after the most approved Method made use of by the Excise. By James Boydell, late Wine Merchant. London: Printed by R. and H. Causton, Finch-Lane, for the Author, and sold by him at No. 2, Cooper’s-Row, Crutched-Friars, and by all Booksellers in Town and Country, 1784.
More details Price: £1,200.00 -
An Act to render more effectual an Act made in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of Her late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An Act for providing a publick Reward for such Person or Persons as shall discover the Longitude at Sea, with regard to the making Experiments of Proposals made for discovering the Longitude; and to enlarge the Number of Commissioners for putting in Execution the said Act.
London: printed by Thomas Baskett; and by the assigns of Robert Baskett,
More details Price: £500.00
An Act to provide for public Elementary Education in England Wales. 9 August 1870.
[London: George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode,
More details Price: £950.00
An Act for the effectual Transportation of Felons and other Offenders; and to authorize the Removal of Prisoners in certain Cases; and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
London: printed by Charles Eyre and William Strahan,
More details Price: £300.00
[SAINT-MÉMIN, Charles Balthazar Julien Févret de. ~ Theodore Sedgwick. 1801.
More details Price: £2,800.00 -
BECCARIA, Cesare, marchese di. Dmitri YAZYKOV, translator. ~ Razsuzhdenīe o prestuplenīi︠a︡kh i nakazanīi︠a︡kh... [Dei Delittie e delle Pene / On Crimes and Punishments in Russian]. St. Petersburg: Gubernskom Pravlenīi, 1803.
More details Price: £6,000.00 -
(LONGITUDE. JOHN HARRISON). ~ An Act for the Encouragement of John Harrison, to publish and make known his Invention of a Machine or Watch, for the Discovery of the Longitude at Sea. London: Mark Baskett, Printer to the King’s most Excellent Majesty; and by the Assigns of Robert Baskett, 1763.
More details Price: £3,000.00 -
LESSER, Adolf. ~ Stereoskopischer gerichtsärztlicher Atlas. Breslau: Schlesische Verlags-Anstalt v. S. Schottlaender, 1903-5.
More details Price: £2,500.00 -
MADOX, Thomas. ~ Baronia Anglica. An History of Land-honors and Baronies, and of Tenure in capite. Verified by Records. London: for Francis Gosling, 1741.
More details Price: £275.00 -
(SCOTLAND). ~ (Petitions). [Edinburgh, 1757-1768].
More details Price: £1,800.00 -
(BIBLIOGRAPHY). ~ Catalogue raisonné des ouvrages qui parurent en 1614 et 1615, a l’occasion des États. [?Paris], 1789
More details Price: £300.00 -
(CORNWALL). [CONVOCATION OF TINNERS.] ~ Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall, made at the Convocation or Parliament of Tinners, at Truro, Sept. 13, Anno 27o Geo. II. In which the Laws made 22o Jac. I 12o Car. I 4o Jac. II. are recited and confirmed. To which are added the Laws made at Truro, 2o Annae Reg. [Truro:] printed by order of the Convocation, [ 1753].
More details Price: £600.00 -
BROUGHAM and VAUX, Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron. ~ The present State of the Law. The speech of Henry Brougham, Esq., M.P., in the House of Commons, on Thursday, February 7, 1828, on his Motion, that an humble Address be presented His Majesty, praying that he will graciously be pleased to issue a Commission for inquring into the Defects occasioned by Time and otherwise in the Laws of this Realm, and into the Measures necessary for removing the Same. London: Henry Colburn, 1828.
More details Price: £200.00