
  • Keywords = juvenile
  • Part I. [?all published] of the English, French and Bengallee primer, or, An easy Vocabulary of fifteen hundred common Words for the Use of Youth... a New Edition. by (INDIA). JOHNSON, W[illiam] B[radford]. (INDIA). JOHNSON, W[illiam] B[radford]. ~ Part I. [?all published] of the English, French and Bengallee primer, or, An easy Vocabulary of fifteen hundred common Words for the Use of Youth... a New Edition. Calcutta: India Gazette Press by Scott and Co, [n.d, c. 1825-32].
    A rare trilingual juvenile vocabulary, the French with syllabic divisions, the Bengali with full early manuscript transliteration (in a single hand). The vocabulary is extensive,… (more)

    A rare trilingual juvenile vocabulary, the French with syllabic divisions, the Bengali with full early manuscript transliteration (in a single hand). The vocabulary is extensive, covering everyday necessities, including basic anatomy and health, clothing, foodstuffs, church and school, animals (mainly domestic), numbers, character, minerals and gems, crime and law, behavioural traits, military terms, trade and commerce, science and geography. The subscribers list contains circa 120 names, of which 31 are native Indians. Sir Charles Edward Grey (Chief Justice on the Supreme Court of Bengal 1825-1832) heads the list with six copies, while the first of the Indian subscribers is Maha Rajah Budenauth Roy. Despite the title statements we can identify no earlier edition, nor further part. We can locate copies at Bodley and Library of the American Oriental Society (Yale) only.

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  • The Fables of Aesop. by AESOP. Edward J[ulius] DETMOLD, illustrator. AESOP. Edward J[ulius] DETMOLD, illustrator. ~ The Fables of Aesop. London: [Henry Stone for] Hodder & Stoughton, 1909.
    Copy number 50 of 750 copies of the limited edition, signed by the illustrator. Edward Detmold was the longest surviving of the two tragic Detmold… (more)

    Copy number 50 of 750 copies of the limited edition, signed by the illustrator. Edward Detmold was the longest surviving of the two tragic Detmold twins who had attracted the attention of artists such as Edward Burne-Jones as children and young artists. Edward’s brother Maurice had committed suicide in 1908, after producing numerous highly regarded prints at the turn of the century. Edward himself continued to make prints and publish illustrated books until his own suicide in 1957. Animals and birds were their primary subjects and to varying degrees, their prints exhibit the clear influence of the Japanese master printmakers.

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  • A Letter from a Citizen of London, to a Member of Parliament, proposing a method for the employment of the vagrant poor in the manufacture of sail cloth. by ‘CITIZEN OF LONDON’ ‘CITIZEN OF LONDON’ ~ A Letter from a Citizen of London, to a Member of Parliament, proposing a method for the employment of the vagrant poor in the manufacture of sail cloth. [London, n.d. 1731?].
    A rare broadside offering a proposal to put the poor (’Beggars, or idle stroling persons’) to work in the making of sail-cloth in a workhouse… (more)

    A rare broadside offering a proposal to put the poor (’Beggars, or idle stroling persons’) to work in the making of sail-cloth in a workhouse ‘to be built, in some convenient Place near the River Thames, within five Miles of London, to be managed by Governors, Gratis, in the Nature of St. Thomas’s’ Hospital.’ Its anonymous author notes ‘That... many Thousands of Men, Women, and Children are daily stroling about these great Cities of London and Westminster, without Employment, and having found, by Begging and Pilfering, an easier Way of Maintenance, than by Working, do initiate and train up their Children therein, as if it was a lawful Trade: Insomuch that they are become insolent, and often disturb People in the Streets and Houses by Day, and render them unsafe by Nights...’

    The item appears in Wing ( L1366A) which suggests 1697 as an unlikely date of publication. It is more likely to date from c. 1731 when an ‘Act for Further Encouraging the Manufacture of British Sail Cloth’ was passed in Parliament — the broadside’s author notes the the Commons have recently considered methods of encouraging the manufacture of sail-cloth. Goldsmiths’-Kress no. 06901.1.

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  • La découverte de l’Amérique par Christophe Colomb. Découverte de l’île de Guanahani (San. Salvador). Planche Nº. 3. by (JIGSAW). (JIGSAW). ~ La découverte de l’Amérique par Christophe Colomb. Découverte de l’île de Guanahani (San. Salvador). Planche Nº. 3. Épinal: Ch[arles Pinot], [c. 1872].
    A popular Épinal print by the first established in 1860 as Pinot & Sagaire, later (1872) just ‘Pinot’. Founded by François Charles Pinot (1817-1874), who… (more)

    A popular Épinal print by the first established in 1860 as Pinot & Sagaire, later (1872) just ‘Pinot’. Founded by François Charles Pinot (1817-1874), who had joined the Pellerin firm in 1847 and left in 1860 to found the rival firm, the Imagerie Pinot & Sagaire, or Nouvelle Imagerie d’Epinal.

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  • The New Royal Battledore. by (BATTLEDORE). (BATTLEDORE). ~ The New Royal Battledore. Kettering: Joseph Toller, [c. 1840].
    A Battledore was made to be given to children as a primer in the alphabet and basic words and pronunciation — a cheaper and more… (more)

    A Battledore was made to be given to children as a primer in the alphabet and basic words and pronunciation — a cheaper and more ephemeral version of the hornbook. They rarely survive in good condition, as here. Several versions of Toller’s Kettering ‘New Royal Battledore’ are known, with different illustrations. These are of a young girl spinning beside a cottage, a marine guardian angel with cupid on a raft, Old Mother Hubbard and her cat and a zebra. The wallet style sheet is stiffened with a sandwiched sheet of printer’s waste, in this case partially visible and advertising books published by Tilt in various bindings, and works including Dickens’s Nicholas Nickleby. Tuer 409.

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  • German Popular Stories. Translated from the Kinder und Haus Märchen collected by M.M. Grimm from oral tradition. by GRIMM, Jacob and Wilhelm. GRIMM, Jacob and Wilhelm. ~ German Popular Stories. Translated from the Kinder und Haus Märchen collected by M.M. Grimm from oral tradition. London: [Richard Taylor for] C. Baldwyn, 1823.
    First edition. The first volume of the first English edition of Grimm’s fairy tales. The copy belonged to G.M Robertson, artist and illustrator Graham Robertson’s… (more)

    First edition. The first volume of the first English edition of Grimm’s fairy tales. The copy belonged to G.M Robertson, artist and illustrator Graham Robertson’s father and loosely inserted is a letter from Kerrison Preston (dated Christmas 1970) to Gillian Preston where he notes, ‘This Grimm belonged to Graham Robertson’s father Graham Moore Robertson and must have influenced the child’s upbringing, and so it has some association value’.

    Indeed, Robertson wrote in his memoir, Time Was of his early and defining interest in fairy-tales: ‘I had reached the ripe age of thirteen and had for years been an earnest student of fairy-tales, ballads and romances. In the course of my studies I was continually coming across dazzlingly beautiful ladies, princesses lovely as the day, radiant fairies, exquisite though distressed heroines. There was never any doubt as to the beauty of these ladies; it took you flat aback at first sight and you knew at once that you were in the presence of a Fairy or a Princess or at least of an ill-used stepdaughter — which came to the same thing in the end … I looked round me in the solid, comfortable, mid Victorian world. There were pretty girls and girls who were not pretty; there really seemed very little difference between them. They roused no particular interest, and as to taking one flat aback — well, it was not in their line. I concluded, after some research, that the race of Fairy Princesses was extinct, and I didn’t much mind’. (p. 53).

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  • A Dish of Apples. by RACKHAM, Arthur, illustrator. Eden PHILPOTTS. RACKHAM, Arthur, illustrator. Eden PHILPOTTS. ~ A Dish of Apples. London & New York: [The Westminster Press for] Hodder and Stoughton, 1921.
    First Rackham edition. Number 65 of 500 copies. Gettings, Arthur Rackham, p. 139; Hudson, Arthur Rackham, pp. 118-119. (more)

    First Rackham edition. Number 65 of 500 copies. Gettings, Arthur Rackham, p. 139; Hudson, Arthur Rackham, pp. 118-119.

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  • The Baby’s Day book from Ba to four years Old Binkie. by ROBERTSON, W. Graham. ROBERTSON, W. Graham. ~ The Baby’s Day book from Ba to four years Old Binkie. [c. 1908].
    A unique album written and illustrated by the artist and illustrator W. Graham Robertson for Marion (‘Binkie’), daughter of artist Arthur Melville who had died… (more)

    A unique album written and illustrated by the artist and illustrator W. Graham Robertson for Marion (‘Binkie’), daughter of artist Arthur Melville who had died in 1904. It is one of several (another is in the Ray collection in the Morgan Library, New York) devoted to the young girl who became Robertson’s muse in the years following Melville’s tragic death. It comprises ‘Six Songs of the Day’ and ‘Six Songs of the Dusk’, the typed poems accompanied by his illustrations, usually depicting himself ‘Ba’ and the infant Binkie, and bear titles such as ‘Glad Day’, ‘Sea Pinks’, ‘Sand Castles’, ‘The Nowhere Place’ and ‘The Lady Dream Come True’. The larger watercolours are on Robertson’s Rutland Gate stationery.

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  • Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh and other Pageants for a Baby Girl by W. Graham Robertson with Twelve Designs in Colour by the Author. by ROBERTSON, W. Graham. ROBERTSON, W. Graham. ~ Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh and other Pageants for a Baby Girl by W. Graham Robertson with Twelve Designs in Colour by the Author. London and New York: [William Clowes for] John Lane the Bodley Head, 1907.
    First edition. (more)

    First edition.

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  • Jeu instructif des peuples et costumes des quatre parties du monde et des terres australes. by (GAME). (GAME). ~ Jeu instructif des peuples et costumes des quatre parties du monde et des terres australes. Paris: Basset, [n.d., 1815].
    A superb ‘game of goose’ on the theme of the peoples of the known world, with fine engraved corner vignettes representing Africa, America, Europe and… (more)

    A superb ‘game of goose’ on the theme of the peoples of the known world, with fine engraved corner vignettes representing Africa, America, Europe and Asia and 63 vignettes representing different peoples. They include native Americans (of California, Mexico, the Amazon, Iroquois, Brazil, Chile, Tierra del Fuego, Paraguay and Nootka Island), inhabitants of Java, Sumatra, China, Japan, Tahiti, Australia (Nouvelle Hollande) and New Zealand, as well as Africa, the Middle East and Europe. In common with other games of this type, the cultural attitudes represented by the symbolism and mode of play is worthy of decoding. With dice and counters, the players are to navigate (culturally, not geographically) from China (evidently still at the furthest reaches of the European geographical imagination) to France, via the 63 numbered squares, with their various characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Mexico (square 6) is shown as a bridge and players landing there jump straight to square 12 (the Amazon); at 19 (Tahiti) the islanders’ hospitality detains players for two turns; at 31 (Siberia) the players waits in exile until another player reaches the same square and rescues them, at square 42, traditionally the ‘puzzle’ square (Japan) the player is refused landing and goes back to 30 (Abyssinia) and just before the end, square 58 (New Zealand) the player encounters the reputed anthrophages (man-eaters) and returns to the start. Ciompi/Seville Collection 32; Adrian Seville, ‘The geographical Jeux de l'Oie of Europe. Les Jeux de l’Oie géographiques de l’Europe’, Belgeo, 3-4, 2008, 427-444 (56).

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  • Londres et l’Angleterre, ouvrage élémentaire à l'usage de la jeunesse. by [AUBERT DE VITRY, François-Jean-Philibert]. [AUBERT DE VITRY, François-Jean-Philibert]. ~ Londres et l’Angleterre, ouvrage élémentaire à l'usage de la jeunesse. Paris: [Paul Renouard for] Bossange frères, 1826.
    First edition of this extensive pocket guide to London, England and Wales for a juvenile audience. The description of London is admirably complete, with notes… (more)

    First edition of this extensive pocket guide to London, England and Wales for a juvenile audience. The description of London is admirably complete, with notes on the principal monuments as well as its people and customs (‘The Lord of Merry Disports’ and ‘Itinerant Musicians’ among them). The plates (originally appearing London, or interesting Memorials published by Thomas Boys in London in 1823) depict The Custom House, Somerset House, Hanover Terrace and Westminster Abbey. Adams, London illustrated, 1604-1851 (1983), 150. No US copies in Worldcat and JISC/COPAC records the Bishopsgate Institute and Bodley copies only.

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  • (HUNTING). [ENGELBRECHT, Martin. ~ [A boar hunt in a miniature perspective peepshow. Augsburg: Martin Engelbrecht, c. 1730-50].
    A rare perspective peepshow depicting a boar hunt in a forest, with horses and dogs. Engelbrecht (1684-1756) produced many different designs of these sets in… (more)

    A rare perspective peepshow depicting a boar hunt in a forest, with horses and dogs. Engelbrecht (1684-1756) produced many different designs of these sets in three sizes, of which ours is an example of the smallest (and rarest). They were designed to be viewed when slotted successively into a perspective viewing box but can equally be appreciated when standing in simple slots or stands. One of the parts is marked ‘N. 87’ in the plate. In this example the prints have been mounted in the early nineteenth-century. cf. Ralph Hyde, Paper Peepshows (2015), pp. 14–15 and David Robinson, ‘Augsburg Peepshows’, Print Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 2 (June 1988), pp. 188–191.�

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  • (HUNTING). [ENGELBRECHT, Martin. ~ [A stag hunt in a miniature perspective peepshow. Augsburg: Martin Engelbrecht, c. 1730-50].
    A rare perspective peepshow depicting a stag hunt in a forest, with horses and dogs. Among the hunters is one with a rifle, and two… (more)

    A rare perspective peepshow depicting a stag hunt in a forest, with horses and dogs. Among the hunters is one with a rifle, and two with horns. Engelbrecht (1684-1756) produced many different designs of these sets in three sizes, of which ours is an example of the smallest (and rarest). They were designed to be viewed when slotted successively into a perspective viewing box but can equally be appreciated when standing in simple slots or stands. One of the parts is marked ‘N. 87’ in the plate. In this example the prints have been mounted in the early nineteenth-century. cf, Ralph Hyde, Paper Peepshows (2015), pp. 14–15 and David Robinson, ‘Augsburg Peepshows’, Print Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 2 (June 1988), pp. 188–191.�

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  • Le Poupée bien élevée. IIe. édition. by [MALLÈS DE BEAULIEU, Jeanne Sophie, Madame]. [MALLÈS DE BEAULIEU, Jeanne Sophie, Madame]. ~ Le Poupée bien élevée. IIe. édition. Paris: [Casimir for] LeCerf and Blanchard, [n.d., c. 1820s].
    First published in 1819, Le Poupée bien élevée proved popular among children on both sides of the English Channel, with numerous editions in both French… (more)

    First published in 1819, Le Poupée bien élevée proved popular among children on both sides of the English Channel, with numerous editions in both French and English (the latter as The Well Bred Doll). Jeanne Sophie Mallès de Beaulieu (176-1825) was the author of numerous moral and entertaining stories for children including Le Robinson de douze ans (1820).

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  • EDUCATION ACT. ~ An Act to provide for public Elementary Education in England Wales. 9 August 1870. [London: George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, 1870].
    First edition of the first British act of legislation to deal specifically with the provision of education in England and Wales. It instituted schooling for… (more)

    First edition of the first British act of legislation to deal specifically with the provision of education in England and Wales. It instituted schooling for children between the ages of five and twelve, established local education authorities with defined powers and authorized public money to improve existing schools. Most importantly, it demonstrated a commitment to compulsory provision on a national scale. Introduced by Liberal politician William Forster (and sometimes referred to as ‘Forster’s Act’) it also marks an important milestone in the history of literacy and literature, and has been seen as a primary stimulant of the growth in reading and of popular fiction for a mass market.

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  • With decoupage scrapwork and hair). by (MEMORIAL DIORAMA. (MEMORIAL DIORAMA. ~ With decoupage scrapwork and hair). [England, probably 1880s].
    A striking and moving memorial to a young boy, a vision of a child’s paradise with chromolithograph scrapbook cuttings of birds, horses, children, dancers, flowers… (more)

    A striking and moving memorial to a young boy, a vision of a child’s paradise with chromolithograph scrapbook cuttings of birds, horses, children, dancers, flowers and foliage, together with cuttings of hair (some woven). It combines two popular Victorian domestic crafts of hair art and scrapbooking, within an accomplished (but probably also domestic) wooden frame in the gothic style. With it supersized hair-carrying birds dwarfing diminutive dancers this is an inadvertently unsettling piece of Victorian naïve art.

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  • Journal de Christine. by [SCHALBACHER, Phillip Joseph]. [SCHALBACHER, Phillip Joseph]. ~ Journal de Christine. Paris: [Lachevardière fils for] Société reproductive des bons livres, [n.d. ?1837].
    A French edition, translated from the German original by Francois Jean Philibert Aubert de Vitry. A series of dialogues addressed to young children (a boy… (more)

    A French edition, translated from the German original by Francois Jean Philibert Aubert de Vitry. A series of dialogues addressed to young children (a boy and a girl) aged four and five, emphasising all the essential virtues of parenthood. The attractive aquatint plates were probably issued with the original edition and include several delightful family scenes. The first French edition appeared in 1825 and the date of 1837 for this reprint is taken from the Princeton Cotsen catalogue. cf. Barbier, II 1010; Querard VIII 508-10.

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  • MILNE, A. A. ~ Now we are Six... with decorations by Ernest H. Shepard. London: Methuen & Co Ltd, 1927].
    First edition, published October 13th 1927. (more)

    First edition, published October 13th 1927.

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  • La Constitution en vaudevilles suivie des Droits de l’homme, de la femme & de plusieurs autres vaudevilles constitutionnels. by MARCHANT, [François]. MARCHANT, [François]. ~ La Constitution en vaudevilles suivie des Droits de l’homme, de la femme & de plusieurs autres vaudevilles constitutionnels.
    Paris: Maradan, 1792.
    A satirical song collection, in the form of an almanac, lampooning the new Revolutionary institutions. The frontispiece (here in rare colour-printed state) is probably the… (more)

    A satirical song collection, in the form of an almanac, lampooning the new Revolutionary institutions. The frontispiece (here in rare colour-printed state) is probably the first book illustration to depict a yo-yo, a toy which became a craze in France in the 1790s under the name of the émigrette, reflecting its popularity among the French nobility at precisely the time they were forced to flee their country. A 1789 painting of the future King Louis XVII now in the Louvre shows him with a yo-yo, while in a revival of the Mariage de Figaro of 1792 Beaumarchais brings his hero on stage playing with his émigrette.

    Several issues are known from 1792. An issue with identical pagination and the same plate but with the imprint ‘chez les libraires royalistes’ is usually cited as the first. In this issue Maradan has put his own name on the title. cf. Martin & Walter, 22975; cf. Cohen-de Ricci, p. 677 (’Frontispice non signé, attribué par Mehl à Debaucourt. Ce frontispice existe en couleurs (avant la lettre) en bistre et à la sanguine’).

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  • Ann’s Book... by PARSONS, Jacynth and Karl. PARSONS, Jacynth and Karl. ~ Ann’s Book... London: [William Brendon & Son, Plymouth for] The Medici Society, 1929.
    First edition of this attractive book illustrated by Jacynth Parsons. Parsons was a child prodigy, contributing superb illustrations to Ann’s Book by her father, the… (more)

    First edition of this attractive book illustrated by Jacynth Parsons. Parsons was a child prodigy, contributing superb illustrations to Ann’s Book by her father, the Arts and Crafts designer Karl Parsons, in 1929. In 1927 the Medici Society put on an exhibition of her ‘Pictures from the age of 3 to 16’ which met with considerable success. She later illustrated an edition of Blake under the patronage of W.B. Yeats, and several other works.

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