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LYDIS, Mariette, illustrator. (James JOYCE). [Auguste MOREL, translator]. ~ Ulysse (Fragment) [in “900” Cahiers d’Italie et D’Europe 1. Cahier d’Automne 1926, ed. Massimo BONTEMPELLI et al. Rome and Florence: “La Voce”, 1926
More details Price: £750.00 -
CASTIGLIONE, Baldassare. ~ Il Cortegiano, or the Courtier: written by Conte Baldassar Castiglione. And a new Version of the same into English. Together with several of his celebrated Pieces, as well Latin as Italian, both in Prose and Verse. To which is prefix’d, the Life of the Author. By A. P. Castiglione, of the same Family. London: W. Bowyer, for the editor, 1727.
More details Price: £900.00 -
[BARZONI, Vittorio]. ~ I Romani nella Grecia. ‘London: Printed by F. Rivington and G. Robinson St James-street [Venice: Francesco Andreola], 1798.
More details Price: £400.00 -
BECCARIA, Cesare, marchese di. Dmitri YAZYKOV, translator. ~ Razsuzhdenīe o prestuplenīi︠a︡kh i nakazanīi︠a︡kh... [Dei Delittie e delle Pene / On Crimes and Punishments in Russian]. St. Petersburg: Gubernskom Pravlenīi, 1803.
More details Price: £6,000.00 -
MILLHOUSE, John. ~ Dialogues anglais et français... troisième edition enrichie d’un Voyage à Londres par H. Hamilton. Milan: ‘a spese dell’autore’, Silvestri, Dumolard, Meiners [and sold by numerous others[, 1851.
More details Price: £60.00 -
VIGNOLA, Giacomo Barozzi da. Alesandro BOSSI, copyist, editor and artist. ~ Trattato di Prospettiva Pratica di M. Giacomo Barozzi da Vgnola Con aggiunta di alcuni aut[ores] Disegnato et acqu[afort]o da Alesandro Bossi. Novara. 1824.
More details Price: £8,500.00 -
[MACHIAVELLI, Niccolò]. [LE FÈVRE, Tanneguy, translator]. ~ Le Mariage de Belfegor, nouvelle italienne. [?Saumur], 1664.
More details Price: £800.00 -
DOUGLAS, Norman. ~ Paneros. Some words on aphrodisiacs and the like. Florence: [Tipografia Giuntina] ‘privately printed for subscribers by G. Orioli, Lungarno Corsini’, [ 1930].
More details Price: £75.00 -
VILLANI, Filippo, edited by Giammaria MAZZUCHELLI. ~ Le vite d’uomini illustri fiorentini, scritte da Filippo Villani, ora per la prima volta date alla luce colle annotazioni del conte Giammaria Mazzuchelli Accademico della Crusca. Venice: Giambatista Pasquali, 1747.
More details Price: £750.00 -
MARESCALCHI, Ferdinando, Conte. ~ Antonio e Cleopatra; tragedia. Bassano: 1788.
More details Price: £300.00 -
‘SECTANI, Q[uinto]’ [pseudonym of Lodovico SERGARDI]. ~ Satyrae... nunc primum in lucem editae. ‘Apud Trifonem Bibliopolam in foro Palladio’ [?Rome], 1701
More details Price: £200.00 -
(HINDU GRAMMAR). ~ Gramatica indostana a mais vulgar que se practica no imperio do gram Mogol: offerecida aos muitos reverendos padres missionarios do ditto imperio Rome: Estamperia da Sagrada Congregaçaõ de Propaganda Fide, 1778.
More details Price: £600.00 -
PIRANDELLO, Luigi ~ Liola. Rome: A. F. Formíggini, 1917.
More details Price: £475.00