
  • Keywords = illustrated
  • German Popular Stories. Translated from the Kinder und Haus Märchen collected by M.M. Grimm from oral tradition. by GRIMM, Jacob and Wilhelm. GRIMM, Jacob and Wilhelm. ~ German Popular Stories. Translated from the Kinder und Haus Märchen collected by M.M. Grimm from oral tradition. London: [Richard Taylor for] C. Baldwyn, 1823.
    First edition. The first volume of the first English edition of Grimm’s fairy tales. The copy belonged to G.M Robertson, artist and illustrator Graham Robertson’s… (more)

    First edition. The first volume of the first English edition of Grimm’s fairy tales. The copy belonged to G.M Robertson, artist and illustrator Graham Robertson’s father and loosely inserted is a letter from Kerrison Preston (dated Christmas 1970) to Gillian Preston where he notes, ‘This Grimm belonged to Graham Robertson’s father Graham Moore Robertson and must have influenced the child’s upbringing, and so it has some association value’.

    Indeed, Robertson wrote in his memoir, Time Was of his early and defining interest in fairy-tales: ‘I had reached the ripe age of thirteen and had for years been an earnest student of fairy-tales, ballads and romances. In the course of my studies I was continually coming across dazzlingly beautiful ladies, princesses lovely as the day, radiant fairies, exquisite though distressed heroines. There was never any doubt as to the beauty of these ladies; it took you flat aback at first sight and you knew at once that you were in the presence of a Fairy or a Princess or at least of an ill-used stepdaughter — which came to the same thing in the end … I looked round me in the solid, comfortable, mid Victorian world. There were pretty girls and girls who were not pretty; there really seemed very little difference between them. They roused no particular interest, and as to taking one flat aback — well, it was not in their line. I concluded, after some research, that the race of Fairy Princesses was extinct, and I didn’t much mind’. (p. 53).

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  • Nuit pleine. by BOURNAZEL, Diane de. BOURNAZEL, Diane de. ~ Nuit pleine. [Marliac & Paris], 2023.
    Nuit pleine, while characteristic of De Bournazel’s astonishing unique books, also signals new directions. A profound black occupies many of the spaces between the teeming… (more)

    Nuit pleine, while characteristic of De Bournazel’s astonishing unique books, also signals new directions. A profound black occupies many of the spaces between the teeming figures inhabiting each page, and on close examination they emerge from this darkness through negative spaces. The pages mirror several of her recent panel paintings where figures are revealed from blackness in the same way. Nuit pleine seems to explore a more contemporary scene than many of her books and among the the hybrid figures we surely find protesters among the crowds with placards, flags and even a cellphone. Angular structures in the puzzle-like backgrounds suggest an urban rather than rural scene, and yet timeless figures of mermaids, jesters and death itself anchor the book in a cyclical timeless continuum.

    Diane de Bournazel (b. 1956) creates books as ‘poems without words’ in her unique pen, ink and gouache style, filling each page with mazes of vegetation, mysterious borders, structures and figures, opening windows within pages allowing us to see behind and beyond them, suggesting a series of alternative worlds and narratives. Drawing on the universals of the cosmos, the natural world, of childhood and human relationships each of her books invite careful ‘reading’ and multiple interpretations. Collectors have found the books to speak for themselves, and the artist writes of her work simply as:

    ‘Poésie sans paroles.
    Il s’agit bien de ça.
    Mettre en images le monde et l’arrière monde,
    Comme un poète mais sans mot dire’.

    De Bournazel has recently been the subject of an essay by French medievalist and cultural historian, Michel Pastoureau, entitled ‘Fenêtres sur le rêve’ (2024) written to introduce the artist’s first major Paris exhibition. Following a deep consideration of the artist’s visual world he concludes: ‘The reading of Diane de Bournazel’s work takes a deliberately plural path, as in a fairy tale or a dream. It is obviously this way that she wants to lead us. And herein lies the magic of her art, an art that is both bewitching and bewitched, absolutely original, impossible to photograph and still less describe or explain. Her creations appeal not only to our imagination but to all our senses at once. You have to look at them, listen to them, feel them, breathe them and, ultimately, savour them’.

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  • Fatrasie. by BOURNAZEL, Diane de. BOURNAZEL, Diane de. ~ Fatrasie. [Marliac & Paris], 2023.
    Fatrasie is a twenty-first century visual interpretation of a rare and highly distinctive medieval poetic form of satirical nonsense verse. In the Fatrasie form, early… (more)

    Fatrasie is a twenty-first century visual interpretation of a rare and highly distinctive medieval poetic form of satirical nonsense verse. In the Fatrasie form, early French rhymers subjugated meaning to the rhythm of repeated sounds and syllables and yet were able to hide piquant criticisms of prevailing power structures within their verses. It is a particularly apt title among Diane de Bournazel’s unique artist’s books, which frequently conceal their narratives and meanings within the artist’s dense iconography.

    Diane de Bournazel (b. 1956) creates books as ‘poems without words’ in her unique pen, ink and gouache style, filling each page with mazes of vegetation, mysterious borders, structures and figures, opening windows within pages allowing us to see behind and beyond them, suggesting a series of alternative worlds and narratives. Drawing on the universals of the cosmos, the natural world, of childhood and human relationships each of her books invite careful ‘reading’ and multiple interpretations. Collectors have found the books to speak for themselves, and the artist writes of her work simply as:

    ‘Poésie sans paroles.
    Il s’agit bien de ça.
    Mettre en images le monde et l’arrière monde,
    Comme un poète mais sans mot dire’.

    De Bournazel has recently been the subject of an essay by French medievalist and cultural historian, Michel Pastoureau, entitled ‘Fenêtres sur le rêve’ (2024) written to introduce the artist’s first major Paris exhibition. Following a deep consideration of the artist’s visual world he concludes: ‘The reading of Diane de Bournazel’s work takes a deliberately plural path, as in a fairy tale or a dream. It is obviously this way that she wants to lead us. And herein lies the magic of her art, an art that is both bewitching and bewitched, absolutely original, impossible to photograph and still less describe or explain. Her creations appeal not only to our imagination but to all our senses at once. You have to look at them, listen to them, feel them, breathe them and, ultimately, savour them’.

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  • A Dish of Apples. by RACKHAM, Arthur, illustrator. Eden PHILPOTTS. RACKHAM, Arthur, illustrator. Eden PHILPOTTS. ~ A Dish of Apples. London & New York: [The Westminster Press for] Hodder and Stoughton, 1921.
    First Rackham edition. Number 65 of 500 copies. Gettings, Arthur Rackham, p. 139; Hudson, Arthur Rackham, pp. 118-119. (more)

    First Rackham edition. Number 65 of 500 copies. Gettings, Arthur Rackham, p. 139; Hudson, Arthur Rackham, pp. 118-119.

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  • The Baby’s Day book from Ba to four years Old Binkie. by ROBERTSON, W. Graham. ROBERTSON, W. Graham. ~ The Baby’s Day book from Ba to four years Old Binkie. [c. 1908].
    A unique album written and illustrated by the artist and illustrator W. Graham Robertson for Marion (‘Binkie’), daughter of artist Arthur Melville who had died… (more)

    A unique album written and illustrated by the artist and illustrator W. Graham Robertson for Marion (‘Binkie’), daughter of artist Arthur Melville who had died in 1904. It is one of several (another is in the Ray collection in the Morgan Library, New York) devoted to the young girl who became Robertson’s muse in the years following Melville’s tragic death. It comprises ‘Six Songs of the Day’ and ‘Six Songs of the Dusk’, the typed poems accompanied by his illustrations, usually depicting himself ‘Ba’ and the infant Binkie, and bear titles such as ‘Glad Day’, ‘Sea Pinks’, ‘Sand Castles’, ‘The Nowhere Place’ and ‘The Lady Dream Come True’. The larger watercolours are on Robertson’s Rutland Gate stationery.

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  • Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh and other Pageants for a Baby Girl by W. Graham Robertson with Twelve Designs in Colour by the Author. by ROBERTSON, W. Graham. ROBERTSON, W. Graham. ~ Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh and other Pageants for a Baby Girl by W. Graham Robertson with Twelve Designs in Colour by the Author. London and New York: [William Clowes for] John Lane the Bodley Head, 1907.
    First edition. (more)

    First edition.

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  • De studio militari, libri quatuor. Iohan. de Bado Aureo, Tractatus de armis. Henrici Spelmanni Aspilogia. Edoardus Bissæus. E codicibus mss. primus publici juris fecit, notisque illustravit. by UPTON, Nicholas. UPTON, Nicholas. ~ De studio militari, libri quatuor. Iohan. de Bado Aureo, Tractatus de armis. Henrici Spelmanni Aspilogia. Edoardus Bissæus. E codicibus mss. primus publici juris fecit, notisque illustravit. London: Roger Norton, for John MartinJames Allestrye & Jacobi Allestrye sub signo Campanæ in Coemiterio D. Pauli, 1654.
    First edition. Nicolas Upton’s De Studio militari was first written in 1447 and circulated in manuscript. ‘It is a treatise, in four parts, on heraldry… (more)

    First edition. Nicolas Upton’s De Studio militari was first written in 1447 and circulated in manuscript. ‘It is a treatise, in four parts, on heraldry and the arts of war, drawing heavily on a tradition of heraldic and legal writing, but also reflecting contemporary concerns. The first book elaborates a view of nobility and knighthood that recognizes the importance of virtue, but which also attaches importance (as Bartolo da Sassoferrato had done) to princely authority in the granting of arms. Upton voices the topos of the decline of chivalry, as well as contemporary aristocratic concern that too many low-born men were acquiring arms in wartime. The second book discusses various types and laws of war (using Giovanni da Legnano's Tractatus de bello), a theme carried over into the fourth book with treatment of Henry V's campaign statutes. For the third book, on the colours of heraldry, Upton relies, though not slavishly, on the treatise of Johannes de Bado Aureo (possibly Bishop John Trevor of St Asaph's). The fourth draws also on French treatises and especially on encyclopaedias (such as Bartholomaeus Anglicus's De proprietatibus rerum) for the meaning of heraldic signs (animals, birds, fish, flowers, and ordinaries); but the extended list, in 195 sections, also reflects a growing demand for (and disputes over) coats of arms’ (Oxford DNB).

    It is followed in this first printed edition by jurist Henry Spelman’s Aspilogia, a Latin treatise on coats of armour, which, although probably written before 1595 had not previously appeared in print. It opens with a fine portrait of Spelman by Faithorne.

    Magistri Johannis de Bado Aureo Tractatus de armis (Wing J744) and Henrici Spelmanni equitis Auati aspilogia (Wing S4919) each have separate dated title page, with imprint ‘typis R. Norton’, pagination and register.
    In Nicholaum Uptonum Notæ (caption title) has separate pagination but the register is continuous from Auati aspilogia. The illustrations are signed by W. Hollar and Ro. Vaughan. The two double page engraved plates by Lombart are on paper with clear and visible foolscap watermarks. Wing (CD-Rom, 1996), U124
    Wing (CD-Rom, 1996), J744
    Wing (CD-Rom, 1996), S4919

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  • Claudine à l’école; Claudine à Paris; Claudine en ménage; Claudine s’en va. by LYDIS, Mariette, illustrator. COLETTE (and WILLY). LYDIS, Mariette, illustrator. COLETTE (and WILLY). ~ Claudine à l’école; Claudine à Paris; Claudine en ménage; Claudine s’en va. Paris: Éditions de Cluny, [1939].
    First edition with the Lydis illustrations, of Colette’s coming-of-age novel (first published in 1900-3 with debatable contribution from her then-husband, Willy). This is copy number… (more)

    First edition with the Lydis illustrations, of Colette’s coming-of-age novel (first published in 1900-3 with debatable contribution from her then-husband, Willy). This is copy number 88 of 100 on pur fil Lafuma with plates in 2 states, after copies on Japon and Hollande, of a total edition of 1585 copies on different papers. There was mutual admiration (and perhaps more) between Colette and Lydis, the former having written an admiring note on the artist for the programme of the 1934 Bal des petits lits blancs, which Lydis had illustrated.

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  • Jeu instructif des peuples et costumes des quatre parties du monde et des terres australes. by (GAME). (GAME). ~ Jeu instructif des peuples et costumes des quatre parties du monde et des terres australes. Paris: Basset, [n.d., 1815].
    A superb ‘game of goose’ on the theme of the peoples of the known world, with fine engraved corner vignettes representing Africa, America, Europe and… (more)

    A superb ‘game of goose’ on the theme of the peoples of the known world, with fine engraved corner vignettes representing Africa, America, Europe and Asia and 63 vignettes representing different peoples. They include native Americans (of California, Mexico, the Amazon, Iroquois, Brazil, Chile, Tierra del Fuego, Paraguay and Nootka Island), inhabitants of Java, Sumatra, China, Japan, Tahiti, Australia (Nouvelle Hollande) and New Zealand, as well as Africa, the Middle East and Europe. In common with other games of this type, the cultural attitudes represented by the symbolism and mode of play is worthy of decoding. With dice and counters, the players are to navigate (culturally, not geographically) from China (evidently still at the furthest reaches of the European geographical imagination) to France, via the 63 numbered squares, with their various characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Mexico (square 6) is shown as a bridge and players landing there jump straight to square 12 (the Amazon); at 19 (Tahiti) the islanders’ hospitality detains players for two turns; at 31 (Siberia) the players waits in exile until another player reaches the same square and rescues them, at square 42, traditionally the ‘puzzle’ square (Japan) the player is refused landing and goes back to 30 (Abyssinia) and just before the end, square 58 (New Zealand) the player encounters the reputed anthrophages (man-eaters) and returns to the start. Ciompi/Seville Collection 32; Adrian Seville, ‘The geographical Jeux de l'Oie of Europe. Les Jeux de l’Oie géographiques de l’Europe’, Belgeo, 3-4, 2008, 427-444 (56).

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  • The March of Intellect. by [HEATH, William]. [HEATH, William]. ~ The March of Intellect. London: G. Humphrey, Jan. 23 1828.
    One of Heath’s famous graphic satires on the theme of The March of Intellect, which expressed contemporary anxiety over technological progress and social change in… (more)

    One of Heath’s famous graphic satires on the theme of The March of Intellect, which expressed contemporary anxiety over technological progress and social change in England brought about by science, education, industrialisation and commercialisation. This one shows a London street corner at the edge of open country and the sea, with numerous figures, including a street-sweeper, horse-drawn carriage, two men playing chess, musicians and singers and street-sellers, with wealthy figures being sent down a mechanical lift beside giant shop window stuffed with milliner. A steam carriage full of redcoat soldiers is seen in background, along with passenger balloons and a flying warship (raining canon-fire at ships below) in the air beside bridge crossing the English Channel between Dover and Calais.

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  • Fragments sur les corps celestes du système solaire... avec les planches. by BEER, Wilhelm and Johann Heinrich MÄDLER. BEER, Wilhelm and Johann Heinrich MÄDLER. ~ Fragments sur les corps celestes du système solaire... avec les planches. Paris: Bachelier, 1840.
    First edition of this observational survey of the solar system, including the earliest accurate maps of the surface of Mars, establishing the discipline of aerography… (more)

    First edition of this observational survey of the solar system, including the earliest accurate maps of the surface of Mars, establishing the discipline of aerography (a derivation form ‘Ares’ the Greek god of Mars). Wilhelm Beer and Johan Mädler made systematic telescopic observations of Mars from 1830, the year in which the planet passed closest to earth. Their goal was to refine Herschel’s calculations of its period of rotation — just over 24 hours — which had prompted speculation about the red planet’s similarities to our own. In doing so they made a close survey of spots and other markings, trying to understand those which might give clues to the composition of the Martian surface and those which were atmospheric and created the drawings on which the Mars plates in the Fragments were prepared. They were accurate enough to plainly ‘distinguish the two most notable features of Mars Syrtis Major (looking like India), and Lacus Solis (looking like a large eye)’ (Ashworth, Linda Hall website The multiple small diagrams of Mars on 6 plates appear for the first time, while the larger double-hemisphere plate had previously appeared in a journal article in Astronomische Nachrichten of 1838. The book was published in German in 1841 as Beiträge zur physischen Kenntniss der himmlischen Körper im Sonnensysteme. Both authors contributions are commemorated with Martian craters named after them.
    Houzeau and Lancaster 1332.

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  • Album de l’artiste en cheveux. Répertoire de Hanssen. by HANSSEN. HANSSEN. ~ Album de l’artiste en cheveux. Répertoire de Hanssen. [Paris: Becquet, Boultemier, n.d. c. 1841].
    [bound with:] [CORNÉ, J. J.]. Album du dessinateur en cheveux, [Paris, n.d., c. 1840s]. ff. 8 lithographed plates. Soiled, some old repairs to versos. One… (more)

    [bound with:] [CORNÉ, J. J.]. Album du dessinateur en cheveux, [Paris, n.d., c. 1840s]. ff. 8 lithographed plates. Soiled, some old repairs to versos. One further additional lithograph design (smaller) bound in at end. Contemporary quarter roan (worn). Evidently well used, but still good copies.

    Two exceptionally rare albums of designs by Parisian hair artists — not hairdressers but creators of popular memorial and funerary pictures created from the cut hair of the deceased of which numerous examples are depicted here. The Hanssen album has an additional price list (including prices for frames); the Corné album is without a title-page (it is unclear if it was issued thus). Both artists are mentioned by André Chanlot in Les Ouvrages en cheveux; leurs secrets, p. 36. Chanlot dates the Corné album to c. 1845 and records the death of Hanssen in 1846. Exceptionally Rare. Worldcat lists three copies of the Hanssen album (all in France) and none of the Corné.

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  • Ulysse (Fragment) [in “900” Cahiers d’Italie et D’Europe 1. Cahier d’Automne 1926, ed. Massimo BONTEMPELLI et al. by LYDIS, Mariette, illustrator. (James JOYCE). [Auguste MOREL, translator]. LYDIS, Mariette, illustrator. (James JOYCE). [Auguste MOREL, translator]. ~ Ulysse (Fragment) [in “900” Cahiers d’Italie et D’Europe 1. Cahier d’Automne 1926, ed. Massimo BONTEMPELLI et al. Rome and Florence: “La Voce”, 1926
    The earliest portrait of Leopold Bloom? Mariette Lydis contributed one illustration to the first issue of “900”, placed with the fragment of Ulysses in the… (more)

    The earliest portrait of Leopold Bloom? Mariette Lydis contributed one illustration to the first issue of “900”, placed with the fragment of Ulysses in the French translation by Auguste Morel. The image is clearly identifiable as a Leopold Bloom-like figure, yet is perhaps not a direct illustration (what are we to make of the Ostende tourist poster in the background?). It is dated 1925 in the lower corner and is captioned ‘Illustration’ at the foot. No earlier illustration of Bloom is known (nor indeed any earlier illustration of Ulysses) and the standard idea of him is drawn partly from Joyce’s own inept sketch of him made in Paris in 1926.

    Joyce was nominally a joint editor of the radical literary review “900”, with Massimo Bontempelli. Mariette Lydis was Bontempelli’s lover at this period (her letters to him are preserved at the Getty Institute) and probably also know Joyce. She sketched his portrait the following year in Paris.

    The Ulysses excerpt translated by Morel is episode 4, ‘Calypso’, introducing Leopold Bloom with his morning visit to the butcher’s shop for a kidney for Molly’s breakfast. James Joyce is listed among the journal’s editors on the half-title verso (along with Bontempelli, Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Jerog Kaiser and Pierre Mac Orlan). Among the adverts at the end of the volume is a full-page for the forthcoming German edition of Ulysses by Rheinverlag of Zurich (the book appeared in the autumn of 1927). Another advert is for the journal Critica Fascista (a ’Fornightly Fascist Review’). Slocum & Cahoon, A Bibliography of James Joyce (953), D25 (p. 113).

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  • Poems & Songs. Illustrated with numerous engravings. by BURNS, Robert. BURNS, Robert. ~ Poems & Songs. Illustrated with numerous engravings. London: [Richard Clay for] W. Kent & Co. (late D. Bogue), 1860.
    Cf. King Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings 733 (Albert Warren, probably the same binding, but edition of Menzies, Edinburgh, 1858). Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library… (more)

    Cf. King Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings 733 (Albert Warren, probably the same binding, but edition of Menzies, Edinburgh, 1858). Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library & Oak Knoll, 2003).

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  • The Poetical Works. by POE, Edgar Allan. POE, Edgar Allan. ~ The Poetical Works. Edinburgh: [Muir and Paterson for] William P. Nimmo, [n.d., c. 1860s].
    Not in King, Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library & Oak Knoll, 2003). (more)

    Not in King, Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library & Oak Knoll, 2003).

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  • Poems … selected and edited by Robert Aris Willmott … illustrated with one hundred designs by Birket Foster, J. Wolf, and John Gilbert, engraved by the Dalziel brothers. by WORDSWORTH, William. WORDSWORTH, William. ~ Poems … selected and edited by Robert Aris Willmott … illustrated with one hundred designs by Birket Foster, J. Wolf, and John Gilbert, engraved by the Dalziel brothers. London: [Richard Clay for] Routledge, Warnes, & Routledge, 1859.
    Not in King, Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library & Oak Knoll, 2003). (more)

    Not in King, Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library & Oak Knoll, 2003).

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  • The Deserted Village … illustrated by the Etching Club. by GOLDSMITH, Oliver GOLDSMITH, Oliver ~ The Deserted Village … illustrated by the Etching Club. London: [Richard Clay for] Sampson Low and Son for Joseph Cundall, 1855.
    King 202 (Albert Warren). Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library & Oak Knoll, 2003). (more)

    King 202 (Albert Warren). Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library & Oak Knoll, 2003).

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  • Frisk and his Flock. by SANFORD, Mrs. D. P. SANFORD, Mrs. D. P. ~ Frisk and his Flock. London, Paris, New York: Cassell, Petter, Galpin, [n.d., c. 1876].
    Not in King, Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library & Oak Knoll, 2003). (more)

    Not in King, Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library & Oak Knoll, 2003).

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  • a Collection of Hymns Old and New. by THE SPIRIT OF PRAISE THE SPIRIT OF PRAISE ~ a Collection of Hymns Old and New. London: [Dalziel Brothers for] F. Warne & Co., [n.d. ?1868-70].
    Not in King, Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library & Oak Knoll, 2003). (more)

    Not in King, Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library & Oak Knoll, 2003).

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  • The Tempest … illustrated by Birket Foster, Gustave Doré, Frederick Skill, Alfred Slader and Gustave Janet. by SHAKESPEARE, William. SHAKESPEARE, William. ~ The Tempest … illustrated by Birket Foster, Gustave Doré, Frederick Skill, Alfred Slader and Gustave Janet. London: [Henry Vizetelly for] Bell & Daldy, [1860s]
    Not in King, Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library & Oak Knoll, 2003). (more)

    Not in King, Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings (British Library & Oak Knoll, 2003).

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