
  • Keywords = gardening
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Illustrating ‘As you like it’, Act II, Scene 7:

    ‘Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Illustrating ‘As you like it’, Act II, Scene 7:

    ‘Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the green holly.
    Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly.
    Then, heigh-ho, the holly!
    This life is most jolly’.

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £72.00
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Primroses illustrating ‘Twelfth Night’, Act 3, scene 1:

    ‘Cesario, by the Roses of the… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Primroses illustrating ‘Twelfth Night’, Act 3, scene 1:

    ‘Cesario, by the Roses of the Spring,
    By maidenhood, honour, truth and every thing,
    I love thee so, that, maugre all thy pride,
    Nor wit nor reason can my passion hide’.

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Illustrating ‘Titus Andronicus’ Act II, Scene 3:

    ‘The trees, though summer, yet forlorn and… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Illustrating ‘Titus Andronicus’ Act II, Scene 3:

    ‘The trees, though summer, yet forlorn and lean,
    O’ercome with Moss and baleful Mistletoe...
    But straight they told me they would bind me here
    Unto the body of a dismal Yew,
    And leave me to this miserable death’.

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £72.00
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Illustrating Ophelia’s ‘mad speech’ in Hamlet:

    ‘There’s Rosemary, that’s for remembrance. Pray you, love,
    remember.… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Illustrating Ophelia’s ‘mad speech’ in Hamlet:

    ‘There’s Rosemary, that’s for remembrance. Pray you, love,
    remember. And there is Pansies, that’s for thoughts.
    ... There’s Fennel for you, and Columbines. There’s Rue for you,
    and here’s some for me. We may call it herb of grace o’ Sundays.
    O, you must wear your Rue with a difference! There’s a Daisy. I
    would give you some Violets, but they wither’d all when my father

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Illustrating ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’, Act II, scene 1 (she incorrectly gives ‘scene 2’),… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Illustrating ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’, Act II, scene 1 (she incorrectly gives ‘scene 2’), Titania’s speech:

    The seasons alter; hoary headed frosts
    Far in the fresh lap of the Crimson Rose,
    And on old Hyems' chin and icy crown
    An odorous chaplet of sweet Summer Buds
    Is, as in mockery, set.’

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Honeysuckle illustrating ‘Much ado about Nothing’, Act III, scene 1, in Leonato’s garden:

    ‘Bid… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Honeysuckle illustrating ‘Much ado about Nothing’, Act III, scene 1, in Leonato’s garden:

    ‘Bid her steal into the pleached bower,
    Where Honeysuckles, ripen’d by the sun,
    Forbid the sun to enter, like favourites,
    Made proud by princes, that advance their pride
    Against that power that bred it.’

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Lilies and a moss rose, illustrating King John, Act IV, scene 2:

    ‘But thou… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Lilies and a moss rose, illustrating King John, Act IV, scene 2:

    ‘But thou art fair, and at thy birth, dear boy,
    Nature and Fortune join'd to make thee great:
    Of Nature's gifts thou mayst with Lilies boast,
    And with the half-blown Rose’.

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Illustrating ‘A Winters Tale’, Act IV, scene 3:

    ‘Here’s flowers for you!
    Hot Lavender, Mints, Savory,… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Illustrating ‘A Winters Tale’, Act IV, scene 3:

    ‘Here’s flowers for you!
    Hot Lavender, Mints, Savory, Marjoram;
    The Marigold, that goes to bed with the sun
    And with him rises weeping’.

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Samphire illustrating ‘King Lear’, Act IV, Scene 6:

    ‘How dizzy ‘tis, to cast… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Samphire illustrating ‘King Lear’, Act IV, Scene 6:

    ‘How dizzy ‘tis, to cast one’s eyes so low!
    The crows and choughs that wing the midway air
    Show scarce so gross as beetles: half way down
    Hangs one that gathers samphire; dreadful trade!’

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Red and white roses illustrating Henry VI, Part I, Act II, scene 4, Warwick’s… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Red and white roses illustrating Henry VI, Part I, Act II, scene 4, Warwick’s speech:

    ‘This brawl today,
    Grown to this faction in the Temple garden,
    Shall send, between the red rose and the white,
    A thousand souls to death and deadly night’.

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Hawthorn and bramble illustrating ‘As you like it’, Act III, scene 1, Rosalind’s… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Hawthorn and bramble illustrating ‘As you like it’, Act III, scene 1, Rosalind’s speech:

    ‘There is a man haunts the forest, that abuses our young plants with carving Rosalind on their barks; hangs odes upon hawthorns and elegies on brambles, all, forsooth, deifying the name of Rosalind’.

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £72.00
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Briars, furze, gorse and blackthorn illustrating ‘The Tempest’, Act IV, scene 1, Ariel’s speech:… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Briars, furze, gorse and blackthorn illustrating ‘The Tempest’, Act IV, scene 1, Ariel’s speech:

    ‘So I charm’d their ears
    That, calf-like, they my lowing followed through
    Tooth’d briers, sharp Furzes, pricking Gorse, and Thorns.’

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £72.00
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Wild pansy (’Love -in-idleness’) illustrating ‘Midsummer Nights Dream’, Act II, Scene 2, as… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Wild pansy (’Love -in-idleness’) illustrating ‘Midsummer Nights Dream’, Act II, Scene 2, as the basis of the elixir which makes Titania, Oberon’s queen, fall in love with Bottom the ass.

    ‘Yet mark’d I where the bolt of Cupid fell:
    It fell upon a little western flower,
    Before milk-white, now purple with love's wound,
    And maidens call it love-in-idleness’.

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £72.00
  • The Flowers of Shakspeare. by GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. GIRAUD, Jane Elizabeth. William SHAKESPEARE. ~ The Flowers of Shakspeare. 1845.
    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Oak leaves, acorns and rosehips illustrating ‘Timon of Athens’, Act IV, scene 3:

    ‘Why should… (more)

    An original hand-coloured lithograph from Jane Elizabeth Giraud’s Flowers of Shakspeare (1845).

    Oak leaves, acorns and rosehips illustrating ‘Timon of Athens’, Act IV, scene 3:

    ‘Why should you want? Behold, the earth hath roots;
    Within this mile break forth a hundred springs;
    The oaks bear mast, the briers scarlet hips;
    The bounteous housewife, nature, on each bush
    Lays her full mess before you’.

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £72.00
  • An Encyclopaedia of Gardening; comprising the Theory and Practice of Horticulture, Floriculture, Arboriculture, and Landscape-Gardening... illustrated with many hundred engravings on wood by Branston. by LOUDON, J[ohn] C[laudius]. LOUDON, J[ohn] C[laudius]. ~ An Encyclopaedia of Gardening; comprising the Theory and Practice of Horticulture, Floriculture, Arboriculture, and Landscape-Gardening... illustrated with many hundred engravings on wood by Branston. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, [1830].
    Second (revised) edition (the first of 1822). Loudon’s was one of the most widely read gardening encyclopaedias of the Victorian era and ran to at… (more)

    Second (revised) edition (the first of 1822). Loudon’s was one of the most widely read gardening encyclopaedias of the Victorian era and ran to at east six editions, covering plant culture, botany, garden design, and an international survey and history of gardening.

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £175.00
  • Théorie des Jardins. by [MOREL, Jean-Marie]. [MOREL, Jean-Marie]. ~ Théorie des Jardins. Paris: Pissot, 1776.
    First edition of one of the most influential works of French garden theory. Morel was the father of landscape gardening in France, best known for… (more)

    First edition of one of the most influential works of French garden theory. Morel was the father of landscape gardening in France, best known for the Théorie des Jardins and for his work with the marquis de Giradin in the celebrated garden at Ermenonville, and later at Malmaison. Morel never travelled to England, but was clearly influenced by theories of landscape being developed there. The title here bears a quote from Milton: ‘In narrow room nature’s Whole Wealth, yea more / A heav’n on earth...’ (Paradise Lost IV).

    (see full details)
    View basket More details Price: £500.00