
  • Keywords = education
  • Tales of Fashionable Life. by EDGEWORTH, Maria. EDGEWORTH, Maria. ~ Tales of Fashionable Life. London: [S. Hamilton, Weybridge, vol 1; Wood and Innes, vol. 2; W. Pople, vol. 3] for J. Johnson, 1809.
    First collected edition of the first series of Tales of Fashionable Life, Edgeworth’s most ambitious literary project. containing Ennui, Almeria, Madame de Fleury, The Dun,… (more)

    First collected edition of the first series of Tales of Fashionable Life, Edgeworth’s most ambitious literary project. containing Ennui, Almeria, Madame de Fleury, The Dun, Manoeuvring. In his preface, Richard Lovell Edgeworth notes his daughter's aim ‘to promote, by all her writings, the progress of education, from the cradle to the grave’, and that the present and envisaged volumes of the series were ‘intended to point out some of those errors, to which the higher classes of society are disposed’. A second series appeared in 1812, for which she received £1050 making her the most commercially successful novelist of her age.

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  • Selected Letters... adapted for the use of Learners by A. J. Lastdrager. by MONTAGUE, Lady Mary Wortley. MONTAGUE, Lady Mary Wortley. ~ Selected Letters... adapted for the use of Learners by A. J. Lastdrager. The Hague and Amsterdam: Van Cleef brothers, 1827.
    First edition of this Dutch-printed schoolbook, reproducing the English text of selected Montague letters with a foreword and extensive footnotes in Dutch, edited by educationalist… (more)

    First edition of this Dutch-printed schoolbook, reproducing the English text of selected Montague letters with a foreword and extensive footnotes in Dutch, edited by educationalist Abraham Johannes Lastdrager (1788-1855) who had founded a successful academy for young ladies in Amsterdam around 1820. The advert leaf lists a further thirteen educational titles in Dutch and French. No US or UK copies located in Worldcat or JISC.

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  • Rudimentary Astronomy. by MAIN, Robert. MAIN, Robert. ~ Rudimentary Astronomy. London: [Bradbury and Evans for] John Weale, 1852.
    First edition. An influential astronomy tutor which ran to several editions. ‘In August 1835 Main was appointed chief assistant at the Royal Greenwich Observatory under… (more)

    First edition. An influential astronomy tutor which ran to several editions. ‘In August 1835 Main was appointed chief assistant at the Royal Greenwich Observatory under Sir George Airy, whom he served with loyalty and efficiency for twenty-five years... Main succeeded Johnson as Radcliffe observer on 19 June 1860, and resided at Oxford from 1 October 1860’. He made significant observations in both posts (notably on Venus, Saturn and fixed stars), presenting his findings to the Royal Astronomical Society. At Oxford he compiled and edited the second Radcliffe catalogue of stars and he has craters named after him on both the moon and Mars.

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  • Calculateur automatique. by EUREKA. EUREKA. ~ Calculateur automatique. Paris and Marseille: Moullot fils for K.B. in Paris 1910.
    An ingenious calculator aimed at a juvenile audience. (more)

    An ingenious calculator aimed at a juvenile audience.

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  • EDUCATION ACT. ~ An Act to provide for public Elementary Education in England Wales. 9 August 1870. [London: George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, 1870].
    First edition of the first British act of legislation to deal specifically with the provision of education in England and Wales. It instituted schooling for… (more)

    First edition of the first British act of legislation to deal specifically with the provision of education in England and Wales. It instituted schooling for children between the ages of five and twelve, established local education authorities with defined powers and authorized public money to improve existing schools. Most importantly, it demonstrated a commitment to compulsory provision on a national scale. Introduced by Liberal politician William Forster (and sometimes referred to as ‘Forster’s Act’) it also marks an important milestone in the history of literacy and literature, and has been seen as a primary stimulant of the growth in reading and of popular fiction for a mass market.

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  • Letters on the Improvement of the Mind. Addressed to a young Lady... in two volumes. by CHAPONE, Hester. CHAPONE, Hester. ~ Letters on the Improvement of the Mind. Addressed to a young Lady... in two volumes. Dublin: for J. Exshaw, H. Saunders, W. Sleater, J. Potts, D. Chamberlaine, J. Williams, and R. Moncrieffe, 1773.
    First Dublin edition, printed in the same year as the first (London) edition. The ten letters comprise: On the First Principles of Religion; On the… (more)

    First Dublin edition, printed in the same year as the first (London) edition. The ten letters comprise: On the First Principles of Religion; On the Study of the holy Scriptures (2); On the Regulation of the Heart and Affections (2); On the Government of the Temper; On Oeconomy; On Politeness and Accomplishments; On Geography and Chronology; On the Manner of Reading and Course of reading History. It is dedicated to Elizabeth Montagu. ‘Montagu encouraged Chapone, presumably in the summer of 1770, when the two friends were travelling in Scotland, to publish the letters on education she had been sending her niece since 1765. Chapone was grateful to Montagu for correcting the manuscript, and the text, Letters on the Improvement of the Mind (1773), was Chapone’s most celebrated work’ (Oxford DNB). It ran to many editions over several decades. ESTC: BL, Cambridge, NLI, Bodley and National Trust (Florence Court, Enniskillen, N.I.). No US copies of this edition.

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  • [Embroidered sampler. by FULTON, Anna. FULTON, Anna. ~ [Embroidered sampler. British Isles. [ 1827].
    Alphabet (upper and lower case), several decorative lines and two verses: ‘Is there ambition in my heart / search gracious God and see...’ [Isaac Watts]… (more)

    Alphabet (upper and lower case), several decorative lines and two verses: ‘Is there ambition in my heart / search gracious God and see...’ [Isaac Watts] and ‘Teach me to live / that I may dread/ the grave as little / as my bed // Teach me to die ‘ that so I may / with joy behold /the judgement day’ [by Thomas Ken, later reused by Thomas Hardy in Jude the Obscure]. Needlework samplers remain one of the most widespread manifestations of the teaching and learning of basic literacy among girls and young women and, as here, reflect a strongly moralistic background.

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  • et d’ornements dedié aux Elèves de la Visitation d’Ornans. by CAHIER D’ECRITURE CAHIER D’ECRITURE ~ et d’ornements dedié aux Elèves de la Visitation d’Ornans. Ornans: 18 July 1857.
    A set of blank ornamental borders designed for use by the convent girls of the monastery of the order of the Visitation at Ornans in… (more)

    A set of blank ornamental borders designed for use by the convent girls of the monastery of the order of the Visitation at Ornans in Eastern France. Probably destined for use as models for notecards and letters, as suggested by the contemporary tracings. A wonderful example of contemporary decorative arts in a convent environment these watercolours are elegantly ornate, incorporating foliage, flowers, vines, swags and birds. The convent at Ornans had been founded in the early seventeenth century and, after the Revolution, refounded as a religious school in 1839 for girls. The Ordre de la Visitation de Sainte-Marie, or ‘Visitandines’ had existed also from the early seventeenth century, founded as an active order for the visitation of the sick.

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  • Souvenirs sténographiques. Ou, Traité de la Sténographie considérée dans tous ses développements. by (STENOGRAPHY). Antoine�REYNIER. (STENOGRAPHY). Antoine�REYNIER. ~ Souvenirs sténographiques. Ou, Traité de la Sténographie considérée dans tous ses développements. [?Paris:] 1825-[6].
    A complete manuscript course of stenography, or shorthand ― the art of writing ‘aussi vite que la parole’, finely written with numerous thumbnail drawings. Divided… (more)

    A complete manuscript course of stenography, or shorthand ― the art of writing ‘aussi vite que la parole’, finely written with numerous thumbnail drawings. Divided into four parts (introduction, pronunciation, punctuation and an atlas) with an errata, a table of contents and two sheets of stenographic examples or exercises.
    The ‘Atlas’ supplies description of the stenographic signs in 13 charts, with 51 finely drawn vignettes giving the figurative equivalent of the stenographic signs and their pronunciation. Among them we find the links of a chain for representing an open ‘a’ (as in anneaux), a radiating halo for an ‘o’ (as in oréole), a drunkard for the ‘i’ (ivrogne), a gallows for the ‘p’ (potence), a cat for the ‘ch’ (chat), and so on, including a funnel, lyre, clock, umbrella, falls, arrow and gondola, the morphology of the signs given an ideogrammatic cue as a mnemonic. The whole represents a complete teaching system aimed at the aspiring stenographer.

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  • [Copybook. by BLUNDELL, William. BLUNDELL, William. ~ [Copybook. Sussex, 1868].
    A typical Victorian handwriting copybook, devoting a page to each letter of the alphabet, with a single sentence, phrase or word repeated over several lines,… (more)

    A typical Victorian handwriting copybook, devoting a page to each letter of the alphabet, with a single sentence, phrase or word repeated over several lines, the text of varying size. ‘All thy commandments are righteousness’; ‘Be ye angry and sin not’; ‘Fulminate’; ‘Knowledge is Power’, ‘Mathematician’; ‘Obrometer’, ‘Vice is attended with sorrow’; ‘X begins no word in the English language’. The sequence is broken in two places, with 2 pages of elementary mathematical exercises, and the last page is signed ‘William Blundell June 29th 1868 in Sussex’.

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  • Kinderlieder. by DESBORDES, Ludovica Brentano von La Roche, baroness. DESBORDES, Ludovica Brentano von La Roche, baroness. ~ Kinderlieder. Regensburg: G. Joseph Manz, 1853.
    First edition, rare, of this collection of children’s songs. Ludovica Brentano, later baroness Desbordes (1787-1854), affectionately known as Lulu, was grand daughter of Sophie von… (more)

    First edition, rare, of this collection of children’s songs. Ludovica Brentano, later baroness Desbordes (1787-1854), affectionately known as Lulu, was grand daughter of Sophie von La Roche (the first widely known German female novelist) and she became patron of the Grimm brothers; contributing two tales to their Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Worldcat: NYPL and Harvard in US, BL in UK.

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  • Gramatica indostana a mais vulgar que se practica no imperio do gram Mogol: offerecida aos muitos reverendos padres missionarios do ditto imperio by (HINDU GRAMMAR). (HINDU GRAMMAR). ~ Gramatica indostana a mais vulgar que se practica no imperio do gram Mogol: offerecida aos muitos reverendos padres missionarios do ditto imperio Rome: Estamperia da Sagrada Congregaçaõ de Propaganda Fide, 1778.
    First edition of this Jesuit missionary Hindustani-Portuguese grammar, the former language rendered in arabic characters. (more)

    First edition of this Jesuit missionary Hindustani-Portuguese grammar, the former language rendered in arabic characters.

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