
  • Keywords = children
  • Party Girl]. by [GREENAWAY, Kate. [GREENAWAY, Kate. ~ Party Girl]. [London: Marcus Ward & Co, 1880s].
    The three greetings cards comprising the larger version of Greenaway’s Party Girl set, each present here in several variants, listed below according to Schuster &… (more)

    The three greetings cards comprising the larger version of Greenaway’s Party Girl set, each present here in several variants, listed below according to Schuster & Engen 282.

    Card 1 Girl with Badminton set
    a) recto ‘Christmas’ verso ‘I wish you all the joy that you can wish’.
    b) recto ‘Christmas’ verso ‘May the day be as happy as you could wish’.
    c) recto ‘New Year’ verso ‘Thy own wish, wish I thee in every place!’.
    d) recto ‘Valentine’ verso ‘To bear my love to you to-day’.
    e) recto ‘Greeting’ verso ‘Thy own wish, wish I thee in every place’.

    Card 2 Girl in rust coat and beaver hat
    b) recto ‘Christmas’ verso ‘Wishing you every happiness and blessing’.
    d) recto ‘New Year’ verso ‘May the day be as happy as you could wish’.
    d variant) recto ‘New Year’ verso ‘Wishing you every happiness and blessing’.
    e) recto ‘Valentine’ verso ‘From one who loves you dearly’.
    g) recto ‘Greeting’ verso ‘Thy own wish, wish I thee in every place’.
    h) recto ‘Greeting’ verso ‘May the day be as happy as you could wish’.

    Card 3 Girl in green dress
    a) recto ‘Christmas’ verso ‘Thy own wish, wish I thee in every place’.
    b) recto ‘Christmas’ verso ‘Wishing you every happiness and blessing’.
    c variant) recto ‘New Year’ verso ‘I wish you all the joy that you can wish’.
    d) recto ‘Valentine’ verso ‘I bring you some flowers from your Valentine’.
    e) recto ‘Greeting’ verso ‘Wishing you every happiness and blessing’.
    f) recto ‘Greeting’ verso ‘May the day be as happy as you could wish’. Schuster & Engen, Kate Greenaway, 282.

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  • The Story of Little Red Riding Hood’s Christmas]. by [GREENAWAY, Kate [GREENAWAY, Kate ~ The Story of Little Red Riding Hood’s Christmas]. [London:] Marcus Ward & Co, [before 1868].
    One of two versions of this early set, this one apparently issued as Christmas cards. Schuster & Engen, Kate Greenaway, 291. (more)

    One of two versions of this early set, this one apparently issued as Christmas cards. Schuster & Engen, Kate Greenaway, 291.

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  • et d’ornements dedié aux Elèves de la Visitation d’Ornans. by CAHIER D’ECRITURE CAHIER D’ECRITURE ~ et d’ornements dedié aux Elèves de la Visitation d’Ornans. Ornans: 18 July 1857.
    A set of blank ornamental borders designed for use by the convent girls of the monastery of the order of the Visitation at Ornans in… (more)

    A set of blank ornamental borders designed for use by the convent girls of the monastery of the order of the Visitation at Ornans in Eastern France. Probably destined for use as models for notecards and letters, as suggested by the contemporary tracings. A wonderful example of contemporary decorative arts in a convent environment these watercolours are elegantly ornate, incorporating foliage, flowers, vines, swags and birds. The convent at Ornans had been founded in the early seventeenth century and, after the Revolution, refounded as a religious school in 1839 for girls. The Ordre de la Visitation de Sainte-Marie, or ‘Visitandines’ had existed also from the early seventeenth century, founded as an active order for the visitation of the sick.

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  • Die Geschichte von die beiden Babys. by (JUVENILE). [SCHMUTZER family]. (JUVENILE). [SCHMUTZER family]. ~ Die Geschichte von die beiden Babys. Berlin, c. 1902-1910.
    A collection of children’s stories evidently written by a father (perhaps Herr Schmutzer, whose stamp appears in each) for two young daughters. Each volume is… (more)

    A collection of children’s stories evidently written by a father (perhaps Herr Schmutzer, whose stamp appears in each) for two young daughters. Each volume is a separate story telling of the girls’ adventures around the world. The text is in German throughout and every page bears a large illustration. A terrifying insight into one early-twentieth century father’s idea of a family entertainment.

    Das buch von den beiden Babys. [n.d. c. 1902]. Small 4to (206 × 165 mm), pp. [22], alternating text and drawings. A tale of parental neglect: a family outing on a steam train goes terribly wrong.

    ‘...Laurentia und Emerentia Stutzlmeier’. 1902. Folio (330 × 210 mm), ff. [30] (the last blank) of which 28 each bear text and a large drawing. Card wrappers, loose in cloth backed boards. The tale of two young sisters lost in the forest during a family picnic. Rescued from a wolf by a kindly hermit they embark on a series of miraculous adventures with a cartload of magic pears and a menagerie of animals. Reunited with their parents they return to the woods to find the hermit dying; they bury him and he is borne aloft by angels.

    ‘Die gar wundersame geschichte von den beiden Babys in der Techanei’. 1904. Folio (325 × 210 mm), ff. [56], of which 54 each bear text and a large drawing. Crudely sewn in cloth-backed boards, uniform with the above. The father takes his daughters out on an excursion, but an encounter with a witch separates the girls from him. Kidnapped in the witch’s house, they elude her protective snake, toad and cat and escape in a paper boat. Reunited with their father they embark on a series of terrifying adventures under his protection: he slaughters all assailants with a pistol, sword and bare hands, leaving a trail of bloodshed. A return to a derelict house scattered with the skeletons of pets and family members begins a new chapter, before the trio return home in a magical amphibious horse-drawn cart.

    ‘Die Geschichte von die beiden Babys und die Reise um die Erde’. 1910. Folio (340 × 205 mm), ff. [42], of which 41 each have text and a large drawing. Cloth backed boards. In this final volume Herr Schmutzer oversteps the mark. Taking his young daughters on a round-the-world trip in a self-propelled car (Gibraltar, Africa, Egypt, Persia, China, Siberia, The North Pole) he indulges in the worst kind of xenophobic violence against most of the inhabitants of the known world, all in the interests of the protection of his daughters.

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  • [Copybook. by BLUNDELL, William. BLUNDELL, William. ~ [Copybook. Sussex, 1868].
    A typical Victorian handwriting copybook, devoting a page to each letter of the alphabet, with a single sentence, phrase or word repeated over several lines,… (more)

    A typical Victorian handwriting copybook, devoting a page to each letter of the alphabet, with a single sentence, phrase or word repeated over several lines, the text of varying size. ‘All thy commandments are righteousness’; ‘Be ye angry and sin not’; ‘Fulminate’; ‘Knowledge is Power’, ‘Mathematician’; ‘Obrometer’, ‘Vice is attended with sorrow’; ‘X begins no word in the English language’. The sequence is broken in two places, with 2 pages of elementary mathematical exercises, and the last page is signed ‘William Blundell June 29th 1868 in Sussex’.

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  • Étrennes Divertissantes ou Collection d’historiettes agréables; ornée de jolies gravures, qui ont rapport au sujet pour la présente année. by ÉTRENNES DIVERTISSANTES. ÉTRENNES DIVERTISSANTES. ~ Étrennes Divertissantes ou Collection d’historiettes agréables; ornée de jolies gravures, qui ont rapport au sujet pour la présente année. Paris: Maillard de Bresson, [n.d., c. 1750-65].
    Not found in any of the usual online or printed sources, a delightful juvenile almanac, containing ten moral verses each with a vignette, engraved throughout.… (more)

    Not found in any of the usual online or printed sources, a delightful juvenile almanac, containing ten moral verses each with a vignette, engraved throughout. Though the publisher Maillard de Bresson produced several other almanacs, and this one is quite typical of the genre, it seems to have eluded bibliographers, including Grand-Carteret. The Journal historique et littéraire (January 1756) gives a useful account of the publisher’s business: ‘M. Maillard de Bressan continue a vendre des caractéres, des desseins & vignettes, des armes à jour, des papiers peints, des sentences, des devises, & forme avec succès la suite de ses fables morales, & instructives pour la jeunesse de l’un et l’autre sexe. It fait des envois auc Communautés Religieuses & à toutes personnes chargées de l’éducation des enfants, ou à des Marchands qui s’adressant à lui. Il demeure actuellement au Collége de Cambray, pres de la rue Saint Jacques, à Paris’.

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  • Kinderlieder. by DESBORDES, Ludovica Brentano von La Roche, baroness. DESBORDES, Ludovica Brentano von La Roche, baroness. ~ Kinderlieder. Regensburg: G. Joseph Manz, 1853.
    First edition, rare, of this collection of children’s songs. Ludovica Brentano, later baroness Desbordes (1787-1854), affectionately known as Lulu, was grand daughter of Sophie von… (more)

    First edition, rare, of this collection of children’s songs. Ludovica Brentano, later baroness Desbordes (1787-1854), affectionately known as Lulu, was grand daughter of Sophie von La Roche (the first widely known German female novelist) and she became patron of the Grimm brothers; contributing two tales to their Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Worldcat: NYPL and Harvard in US, BL in UK.

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  • Musikanten [coloured broadside]. by (MUSIC). (MUSIC). ~ Musikanten [coloured broadside]. [Germany c. 1800-1825.]
    An attractive juvenile broadside, illustrating players of 16 different instruments, including guitar, flute harp, keyboard, trumpet, hurdy-gurdy and percussion. (more)

    An attractive juvenile broadside, illustrating players of 16 different instruments, including guitar, flute harp, keyboard, trumpet, hurdy-gurdy and percussion.

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  • Sown in the spring-time. Addresses delivered to the New Church Sunday School, Camden Road, London. by SPEIRS, James, editor and publisher. SPEIRS, James, editor and publisher. ~ Sown in the spring-time. Addresses delivered to the New Church Sunday School, Camden Road, London. London: James Speirs, 1879.
    James Speirs was a prolific evangelical speaker and publisher, whose printed output suggests he was an important figure in the Victorian Sunday School movement. Sown… (more)

    James Speirs was a prolific evangelical speaker and publisher, whose printed output suggests he was an important figure in the Victorian Sunday School movement. Sown in the spring-time collects 12 addresses aimed at a juvenile audience by Speirs and others (R.L. Tafel, Alfred J. Johnson, Samuel Teed and Charles A. Faraday) several on a theme of natural metaphor: “About Hares and Tortoises”; “The Horse and its correspondence”, “The Serpent and its correspondence” and “Trees”. COPAC and Worldcat lists editions of 1876, 1877 and 1879. Worldcat lists 2 copies of this edition (Graduate Theological Union Library and Urbana College) but COPAC lists none in the UK

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