- Keywords = art & architecture
DUBREUIL, Jean, Abbé. ~ Traité de Perspective manuscrit par le Père Dubreuil Jésuite. [France, later-seventeenth century].
More details Price: £1,800.00 -
[MILLIN DE GRANDMAISON, Aubin Louis; James MILLINGEN, editor]. ~ Histoire métallique de Napoléon ou Recueil des médailles et des monnaies qui ont été frappées depuis la première campagne de l’armée d’Italie jusqu’à son abdication en 1815. Londres: [G. Schutzer, 13 Poland St] imprimé pour l’éditeur. Se trouve chez Treuttel et Wurtz... 1819 [-1821].
More details Price: £1,600.00 -
‘A LADY’, [WALKER, T. I., illustrator]. ~ A short Account of Vessels used in the British Service. London: J. Moyes [for R. Ackerman], 1833.
More details Price: £1,100.00 -
BAUDON, A. ~ Lettres ornées du 16ème siècle [spine title]. [Paris, c. 1860s].
More details Price: £1,500.00 -
CAHIER D’ECRITURE ~ et d’ornements dedié aux Elèves de la Visitation d’Ornans. Ornans: 18 July 1857.
More details Price: £950.00 -
(DUBLIN). ~ The Commercial Year Book of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce (with which is incorporated Kingstown) with classified Trade Indices in English, French, Russian, and Spanish and Trade Mark Section. [KING IRVINE, R. editor]. London and Derby: Bemrose & Sons Limited, 1917.
More details Price: £400.00 -
VERGIL, Polydore. ~ [De inventoribus rerum. In English]. An Abridgeme[n]t of the notable Worke of Polidore Vergile conteygnyng the Deuisers and first Finders out aswell of Artes, Ministeries, Feactes & ciuill Ordinaunces, as of Rites, & Ceremonies, commonly vsed in the Churche: and the originall Beginnyng of the Same. Compe[n]diousely gathered by Thomas Langley. ‘Imprinted at London within the precincte of the late dissolved house of the grey Friers, by Richarde Grafton printer to the Princis grace, the.xxv. daie of Ianuarie, the yere of our Lorde, M.D.XLVI’. [ 1546].
More details Price: £22,500.00 -
‘GRYPERL’ [pseudonym of Georges Boyer]. Lucien MÉTIVET, illustrator. ~ Phonographie de l’amour, aggravée d’un commentaire au crayon par Lucien Métivet. Paris: Paul Ollendorff, 1895.
More details Price: £1,125.00 -
RÉGNIER, Henri de. [JULLIEN, M. copyist and illuminator]. ~ [Poems. Paris, 1913].
More details Price: £3,200.00 -
(IKEBANA). ~ [Rikka zu]. [Kyoto: not after 1792].
More details Price: £2,000.00 -
(BROKATPAPIER). ~ (BROKATPAPIER). [n.d. eighteenth- or early nineteenth century). c. 1800.
More details Price: £1,000.00 -
ELSKAMP, Max. ~ Les Commentaires et l’idéographie du jeu de Loto dans les Flandres suivis d’un glossaire. Antwerp: [J.E. Buschmann] A. De Tavernier, 1914 [but 1918].
More details Price: £600.00 -
(ACKERMANN, publisher). ~ Illustrations, Friendships Offering & Forget Me Not [spine title]. London: R. Ackermann. [n.d.]
More details Price: £400.00 -
JACOB, Edward. ~ The history of the town and port of Faversham, in the county of Kent. By Edward Jacob, Esq. F.S.A. Illustrated with copper plates. London: for the author, by J. March; and sold by B. White, In Fleet-Street; L. Hawes, and Co. In Pater-Noster-Row; S. Patterson, In Essex-Street; and by S. Doorne, in Faversham, 1774.
More details Price: £500.00 -
CHÉNIER, André Marie. ~ La jeune Tarentine. [France, March 1919].
More details Price: £1,200.00 -
(NAPOLEON III.) ~ Portrait autobiographique de S.M. Invasion III. [Paris], sold by Dessendier, [ 1871].
More details Price: £850.00 -
(PERFUME). ~ [Four colour printed perfume bottle labels. Southern France, c. 1820].
More details Price: £350.00 -
CHARLES X. ~ Le Roi est mort: vive le Roi! Hommage à la mémoire de Louis 18 et à S.M. Charles dix Septembre 1824 Nouveau chant français. Dédié à Monsieur le Comte d’Hargenvillier, Chevalier... Maire de la Ville de Toulouse. Par Auguste Olmade, Avocat... Avec accompagnement de Piano et de Guitare. Toulouse: [Gautier, lithograher and Mercadier ainé, engraver] Chez les marchands de musique, [ 1824].
More details Price: £250.00 -
[Auction account of the Reverend Mr. Newcomb, probably of Feltwell, Brandon, Norfolk]
[Moulton, Suffolk, Jan 23
More details Price: £150.00
[MOREL, Jean-Marie]. ~ Théorie des Jardins. Paris: Pissot, 1776.
More details Price: £500.00