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[SAINT-MÉMIN, Charles Balthazar Julien Févret de. ~ Hannah BRECK. Philadelphia, 1799].
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(JUVENILE). St. AULAIRE, [Achille]. ~ Voyage pittoresque à travers le monde. Paris: [Lemercier for] Aubert & c[ompagn]ie, c. 1845.
More details Price: £1,500.00 -
WHEATON, Henry. Emma CHUPPIN [de GERMIGNY, translator]. ~ Histoire des hommes du Nord ou Danois et Normands. Depuis les temps les plus reculés, jusqu’a la conquête de l’Angleterre par Guillaume de Normandie... France, c. 1830s.
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CAREW, Bampfylde-Moore. ~ The Life and Adventures of Bampfylde-Moore Carew, commonly called the King of the Beggars. Being an impartial Account of his Life, from his leaving Tiverton School at the Age of fifteen and entering into a Society of Gipsies; wherein the Motives of his Conduct are related and explained: The great Number of Characters and Shapes he has appeared in through Great Britain, Ireland, and several other Places of Europe: with his Travels twice through great Part of America: Giving a particular Account of the Origin, Government, Laws, and Customs of the Gipsies, with the Method of electing their King. And a Dictionary of the Cant Language used by the Mendicants. London: for J. Buckland, C. Bathurst and T. Davies, 1793.
More details Price: £250.00 -
WOODWARD, [George Murgatroyd]. ~ A Political Fair. London: Thomas Tegg, October 1st 1807.
More details Price: £800.00 -
[HARDY, Thomas.]
The patriot. Addressed to the people, on the present state of affairs in Britain and in France. With observations on Republican government, and discussions of the principles advanced in the writings of Thomas Paine.
Edinburgh: for J. Dickson and G. Nichol in London,
More details Price: £150.00
BERKELEY, George. ~ Recherches sur les vertus de l’eau de goudron, où l'on joint des Réfléctions Philosophiques sur diverses autres sujets... Avec deux Lettres de l'Auteur... Amsterdam: Pierre Mortier, 1745.
More details Price: £300.00