The Fables of Aesop. by AESOP. Edward J[ulius] DETMOLD, illustrator.

The Fables of Aesop. by AESOP. Edward J[ulius] DETMOLD, illustrator. < >
  • Another image of The Fables of Aesop. by AESOP. Edward J[ulius] DETMOLD, illustrator.
  • Another image of The Fables of Aesop. by AESOP. Edward J[ulius] DETMOLD, illustrator.
  • Another image of The Fables of Aesop. by AESOP. Edward J[ulius] DETMOLD, illustrator.

~ The Fables of Aesop. London: [Henry Stone for] Hodder & Stoughton, 1909.

Large 4to (305 × 250 mm), pp. 154, plus 35 mounted coloured plates. Original white buckram gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. Very lightly soiled, slight separation between a couple of gatherings of the texblock, but tight and secure, endpapers slightly toned. An excellent copy.

Copy number 50 of 750 copies of the limited edition, signed by the illustrator. Edward Detmold was the longest surviving of the two tragic Detmold twins who had attracted the attention of artists such as Edward Burne-Jones as children and young artists. Edward’s brother Maurice had committed suicide in 1908, after producing numerous highly regarded prints at the turn of the century. Edward himself continued to make prints and publish illustrated books until his own suicide in 1957. Animals and birds were their primary subjects and to varying degrees, their prints exhibit the clear influence of the Japanese master printmakers.

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