BARBIER, George, illustrator. Pierre Ambroise François Choderlos de LACLOS. ~ Les Liaisons dangereuses. Paris: [R. Coulouma in Argenteuil for] Le Vasseur, 1934.
2 vols, 4to (265 × 200 mm), pp. [4], 218, [2]; [2], 217, [3]. 28 pochoir colour illustrations by Barbier consisting of 2 original upper cover illustrations, 20 full page plates, 2 decorative title pages, 2 chapter heading vignettes and 2 justification vignettes. Original wrappers (very lightly browned towards the margins, spines slightly creased upper hinge of one volume slightly fragile. A very good set.
First edition with Barbier’s suitably libertine pochoir coloured illustrations. Number 206 of 650 copies on papier de Rives (the total edition of 720 copies).
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