(BOOKBINDING). INSTITUT ARTISANAL DE RELIURE. ~ Cours A. Paris: Institut artisanal de reliure, [n.d., 1968].
21 issues, most with c. 18-25 pages of duplicated typescript and several duplicated diagrams. Stapled in original plain wrappers (staples rusty). Plus 6pp. pricelist of binding materials and equipment and a large folding advert. Preserved in a recent folding case with ties
A correspondence course for amateur binders in 1960s France, aimed, according to the inserted advert at the retired, at professionals in search of a diverting hobby, office workers, young mothers and adolescents. The 21 parts of cours ‘A’ give detailed instructions in casing, and bindings of several types: bradel, cloth, half sheep (’basane’) and half cloth, with instructions for paper cleaning. Apparently a second ‘Cours B’ offered instruction in gilding.
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