Officia Propria plurimorum sanctorum ~ ex variis SS. Pontificum decretis in Breviario Romano apponenda... Lisieux: Rémy le Boullenger, 1693.
8vo (145 × 90 mm), pp. 1-25, [4], 26-85, [7], 86-220, [4], woodcut ornaments. Limp vellum reusing a leaf from a medieval service book, linen marker Small stamps of the Grand Séminaire, Caen to title and 2 other leaves and shelf mark to front pastedown, wants free endpapers at front and rear. Rather dusty with some old staining to the vellum binding.
A rare Norman Office of the Saints dedicated to saints and other feasts added to those of the traditional Roman breviary by papal decree. It gives prayers and readings for each, including those for Saints Canute (January 19), Patrick (March 17), Anselm of Canterbury (April 21), Monica (May 4), Margaret of Scotland (July 8), Cajetan (August 7), Wenceslas (28 September), Laurence Justinian (September 5), Notre Dame de Mercede (September 24) and Francis Xavier (December 3). The printer, Rémy Le Boullenger (1637?-1707) is not among the three Lisieux printers listed in the Répertoire d’imprimeurs/libraires and appears in just a handful of imprints in the CCFr (among which ours does not appear).
The binding is made from a reused leaf from a medieval antiphonal, probably French, of the fourteenth- or early fifteenth century, which bears fragments of chants on four-line staves ruled in red. On the outer cover is a portion of a text from Acts 12: 11 (‘Petrus ad se reversus dixit nunc scio vere quia misit Dominus angelum suum et eripuit me de manu Herodis et de omni expectatione plebis Iudaeorum’) and on the inner appears a fragment of Matthew 16: 17-18 (‘Et ego dico tibi quia tu es Petrus et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversum eam’; And I say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it). In comparable antiphoners, both appear among antiphons sung on the feast of Saint Peter and Paul (29 June).