A Treatise on Health and Long Life... to which is…

A Treatise on Health and Long Life... to which is added to this edition, (not in any former one) the Life of the Author. The Tenth Edition. by CHEYNE, George. < >
  • Another image of A Treatise on Health and Long Life... to which is added to this edition, (not in any former one) the Life of the Author. The Tenth Edition. by CHEYNE, George.
  • Another image of A Treatise on Health and Long Life... to which is added to this edition, (not in any former one) the Life of the Author. The Tenth Edition. by CHEYNE, George.
  • Another image of A Treatise on Health and Long Life... to which is added to this edition, (not in any former one) the Life of the Author. The Tenth Edition. by CHEYNE, George.
  • Another image of A Treatise on Health and Long Life... to which is added to this edition, (not in any former one) the Life of the Author. The Tenth Edition. by CHEYNE, George.
  • Another image of A Treatise on Health and Long Life... to which is added to this edition, (not in any former one) the Life of the Author. The Tenth Edition. by CHEYNE, George.
  • Another image of A Treatise on Health and Long Life... to which is added to this edition, (not in any former one) the Life of the Author. The Tenth Edition. by CHEYNE, George.
  • Another image of A Treatise on Health and Long Life... to which is added to this edition, (not in any former one) the Life of the Author. The Tenth Edition. by CHEYNE, George.

~ A Treatise on Health and Long Life... to which is added to this edition, (not in any former one) the Life of the Author. The Tenth Edition. Mullingar [Co. Westmeath, Ireland]: William Kidd, 1787.

12mo (175 × 100 mm), pp. [10], xxxv. [1], 223, [1]. Without half-title. Nineteenth-century half calf. Rubbed. A very good copy.

A scarce Irish imprint from the central Irish town of Mullingar, with a list of some 95 subscribers, mostly of the local gentry, aristocracy, clergy and medical profession. Cheyne’s popular work was first published in 1724 as An Essay of Health and long Life. The Life of the Author had in fact appeared as an appendix to Cheyne’s English Malady (1733) and includes a lengthy and fascinating account of his own experience of obesity and depression.

Including this early title, ESTC lists twelve Mullingar impressions, all printed by Kidd in the 1780s and 90s (and he continued printing into the nineteenth century). ESTC locates several British and Irish holdings but only the University of British Columbia in North America.

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