Lord Curzon in Indian Caricature: being a collection of Cartoons...…

Lord Curzon in Indian Caricature: being a collection of Cartoons... by (INDIA). TÂLCHERKAR, Harischandra A. < >
  • Another image of Lord Curzon in Indian Caricature: being a collection of Cartoons... by (INDIA). TÂLCHERKAR, Harischandra A.
  • Another image of Lord Curzon in Indian Caricature: being a collection of Cartoons... by (INDIA). TÂLCHERKAR, Harischandra A.
  • Another image of Lord Curzon in Indian Caricature: being a collection of Cartoons... by (INDIA). TÂLCHERKAR, Harischandra A.
  • Another image of Lord Curzon in Indian Caricature: being a collection of Cartoons... by (INDIA). TÂLCHERKAR, Harischandra A.
  • Another image of Lord Curzon in Indian Caricature: being a collection of Cartoons... by (INDIA). TÂLCHERKAR, Harischandra A.
  • Another image of Lord Curzon in Indian Caricature: being a collection of Cartoons... by (INDIA). TÂLCHERKAR, Harischandra A.

~ Lord Curzon in Indian Caricature: being a collection of Cartoons... Bombay [Mumbai]: [Tatva-Vivechaka Press and lithographed at Ajinkya Art P. Works for] Babajee Sakharam & Co, [1903].

4to (248 × 158 mm), pp. [2], 2, 48, [4] (adverts for Hindi Punch etc), plus lithograph forntispiece, numerous caricatures to text. Original lithographic boards. Slightly rubbed and soiled, hinge cracked and backstrip rather crudely (but effectively) repaired with tape,

First edition of this rather extraordinary survey of Curzon’s many appearances in caricature in Hindi Punch and other Indian comic papers, where he often appears in Indian dress and frequently as various Hindu deities (notably Ganesh). ‘This unpretentious little book is offered as a humble souvenir of the Delhi Durbar: in its pages our popular Viceroy, as representative in the great Coronation Durbar, of the greatest monarch of modern times, is the central figure. In a land of her-worship it is not to be marvelled that the energy, versatility and strong personality of Lord Curzon, added to his many loveable traits, should lend themselves easily to the genius of the Indian artist for caricaturing’ (author’s Preface).

Despite this warm introduction, Curzon was subject to both approval and dissent through these images. The satire of British comic publications like Punch was enthusiastically appropriated by Indian artists - and India itself was frequently represented through the figure of Mr Punch - though their caricatures were also influenced by Indian artists such as Raja Ravi Varma. It is a fascinating fusion.

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