MAYNARD, Henry. ~ [Cut paper roundels] Kingston (England), 1811.
Two intricately cut paper roundels or stars incorporating watercolour roundels at the centre, cut gold paper initials ‘MWM’ applied to each, mounted on black glazed paper, white painted captions ‘By H[enr]y Maynard Kingston 1811’. Early or contemporary giltwood frames with original glass (evidence of some regilding).
Examples of the Regency fashion for intricate paper cutting. Each roundel contains figures of angels, of John the Baptist holding a cross, and birds among the exquisitely cut foliage and swags. At the centres are small watercolour scenes, one of Abraham and Isaac, the other of Moses and the burning bush. The initials ‘MWM’ may denote a recipient, or perhaps the object of a memorial. The black backgrounds and symbols of resurrection suggest these are memorial pictures.