BALLARD, Christophe. ~ XXII. Livre d’Airs de differents autheurs, à deux et trois parties. [Paris], 1679.
8vo (161 × 105 mm), ff. [1], 2-39, [1], printed on both sides, plus two blank leaves at rear. Letterpress title within emblematic woodcut border, staves and neumes printed in moveable type, woodcut initials and tailpieces. Stitched at spine (first gathering loose), disbound.
Popular music in the reign of Louis XIV. A rare yearly part of the Livres d’Airs de differents autheurs, published annually between 1658 and 1694 and containing the most popular airs of the year, circulated otherwise either orally or in fugitive form (manuscript or print). Most of the songs are in two or three parts arranged across a double-page opening. RISM Recueils, p. 560, 1679 3; Goulet, Poésie, musique et sociabilité au XVIIe siècle. Les livres d’airs de différents auteurs publiés chez Ballard de 1658 à 1694, Paris: Honoré Champion, 2004.