Le Goûter des Porcherons, suite au, Catéchisme poissard, nouveaux discours…

Le Goûter des Porcherons, suite au, Catéchisme poissard, nouveaux discours des halles. by (CHAPBOOK). ‘MAME FANCHON’, pseud. < >

~ Le Goûter des Porcherons, suite au, Catéchisme poissard, nouveaux discours des halles. [Lille: Bloquel, c. 1830s].

16mo (130 × 80 mm), pp. 104, [4] plus folding woodcut frontispiece. Numerous wood engraved vignettes. Nineteenth-century red quarter calf. A good copy.

Sole edition: tales and snippets based on the argot, gossip and jokes of the Porcherons quartier of Paris, at the foot of the slope to Montmartre. It includes the woeful tale of a young clerk and a prostitute and a Catéchisme poissard. It purports to be the work of a washerwoman, ‘Mame Fanchon’. The term ‘Poissarde’ (literally, a fishwife) refers, in general, to coarse and vulgar language and is frequently to be found in chapbooks of the period. Worlcat: Flanders Heritage Library (Antwerp) only.

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