DESBORDES, Ludovica Brentano von La Roche, baroness. ~ Kinderlieder. Regensburg: G. Joseph Manz, 1853.
Small 8vo (130 × 80 mm), pp. 72, including half-title, wood engraved frontispiece and 4 plates by H. Rühling on pink paper. Slightly thumbed and creased. Contemporary cloth backed marbled boards. Rubbed, early children’s scribbles in ink and pencil to front pastedown. A good copy.
First edition, rare, of this collection of children’s songs. Ludovica Brentano, later baroness Desbordes (1787-1854), affectionately known as Lulu, was grand daughter of Sophie von La Roche (the first widely known German female novelist) and she became patron of the Grimm brothers; contributing two tales to their Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Worldcat: NYPL and Harvard in US, BL in UK.
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